General Information

Borland Turbo Assembler v3.1 is a multi-pass assembler. It has features such as forward referencing, MASM compatibility, and an Ideal mode. Turbo Assembler (tasm) is a command-line assembler that produces object files (.obj) from your assembly source code (.asm). Then, you use the Borland Turbo Link v5.1 to link the object files into an executable file (.exe). This version of tasm can generate machine instructions for 8086, 80186, 80286, and 80386 processors as well as 8087, 80287, and 80387 numeric coprocessors.

Turbo Assembler may also be used to interface with other languages. Programs written in Borland C, Turbo C++, and Turbo Pascal can be combined with programs written in Turbo Assembler. For complete details on this procedure, please see the User's Manual.

Getting Started

Before you can assemble your programs you must first write them using a text editor. On the PC, this includes programs such as DOS Edit (edit), wordpad, or UEdit. You can use either of these programs to create and edit your source files (with an .asm extension).

Once your program has been written and saved as a text file, you are ready to assemble and link it. Following is a brief desciption of how to assemble and link a program. A more thorough explanation of the assembler and linker will follow.

To call the Turbo Assembler, you may first invoke NTVDM (using the "cmd.exe"). Then, simply type:

l:\bc31\bin\tasm filename

where filename is the name of your source file to be assembled (assume the current directory). Turbo Assembler will then ask which options you wish. Pressing <ENTER> will accept the default filename. If no errors were produced then you can call Turbo Link by typing the following:

l:\bc31\bin\tlink filename

where filename is the name of your source file. You can then choose which files to generate and what names they will use. If no linker errors were found, you will be able to run the executable file.

Using Turbo Assembler

To get a list of all the command line options, simply enter the command tasm with no filename specified. With the command line options, you can specify the filename of multiple programs to be assembled as well as various options. To assemble more than one file, separate the filenames with a semicolon. Each file can have its own options specified before its respective filename. You can also use the DOS wildcard characters (* and ?) to specify a list of files to assemble.

The comma can be used to accept the default filenames from the command line. After the filename, tasm expects the name to use for the .obj, the .lst, and then the .xrf files. Specifying a filename of nul will tell tasm not to generate that specific file. For example, the command:

l:\bc31\bin\tasm reverse,,prog1,nul

will assemble the file reverse.asm and produce the object file reverse.obj, the listing file prog1.lst, and will not produce a cross reference file.

For a complete list of the command line options and their meanings, please see the Borland Turbo Assembler User's Guide.

Ideal Mode

Turbo Assembler offers a directive called IDEAL mode. This mode is useful for beginning assembly programmers because it is cleaner and easier to understand. It also assembles faster than MASM mode. Ideal mode offers a new syntax for expressions and instruction operands. It is, however, similar to MASM syntax so as not to be too confusing.

Using Turbo Link

Once the program has been assembled, you will need to link the various .obj files into an executable file. To do this, you will need to use Turbo Link. To link your file, simply type:

l:\bc31\bin\tlink filename

where filename is the name of your .obj file.

Running tlink without specifying any options will display a help screen. Any options should be specified before the filename. After the filename, you can specify all other .obj files to be linked together. After the list of .obj files, you can specify the name of the .exe, the name of the .map, and a list of libraries to be linked into the program. Each option should be separated by a comma. For example, the command:

l:\bc31\bin\tlink /c reverse prog2,,,lib\bri

will link the files reverse.obj and prog2.obj into a file reverse.obj and create a map file and using the supporting library lib\bri.lib. The /c option specifies that the .obj file is case sensitive.

Helpful Hints

· Beginner programmers might find Ideal mode easier and more straight forward for writing their assembly programs. It is closer to programming in a higher level language than MASM mode.

· The DOS operating system does not protect itself. Therefore, it is very possible to write programs that accidentally or intentionally overwrite the operating system, which may freeze or lock up your computer (i.e., your computer does not respond to the keyboard). When this happens, you will need to reboot the computer.


The following are example Turbo Assembler programs.

Example 1

   .MODEL small
   .STACK 100h
Message DB ‘Hello, there!’,13,10,’$’
   mov  ax,@data
   mov  ds,ax		     ;set DS to point to the data segment
   mov  ah,9			   ;DOS print string function
   mov  dx,OFFSET Message        ;point to “Hello, there!”
   int  21h				   ;display “Hello, there!”
   mov  ah,4ch			   ;DOS terminate program function
   int  21h				   ;terminate the program

Example 2

   .MODEL  small
   .STACK  100h
TimePrompt DB 'Is it after 12 noon (Y/N):$'
MorningMessage  LABEL  BYTE
   DB  13,10,'Good morning!',13,10,'$'
AfternoonMessage  LABEL  BYTE
   DB  13,10,'Good afternoon!',13,10,'$'
   mov  ax,@data
   mov  ds,ax                      ;set DS to point to data segment
   mov  dx,OFFSET TimePrompt       ;point to the time prompt
   mov  ah,9                       ;DOS print string function #
   int  21h                        ;display the time prompt
   mov  ah,1                       ;DOS get character function #
   int  21h                        ;get a single-character response
   cmp  al,'y'                     ;typed lowercase y for after noon?
   jz   IsAfternoon                ;yes, it's after noon
   cmp  al,'Y'                     ;typed uppercase Y for after noon?
   jnz  IsMorning                  ;no, it's before noon
   mov  dx,OFFSET AfternoonMessage       ;point to the afternoon
   jmp  DisplayGreeting
   mov  dx,OFFSET MorningMessage         ;point to the before noon
   mov  ah,9                       ;DOS print string function #
   int  21h                        ;display the appropriate greeting
   mov  ah,4ch                     ;DOS terminate program function #
   int  21h                        ;terminate the program

Common Problems & Solutions

Q. When I try to assemble my program, I get an error message that it can’t find my file. What’s wrong?
A. If you specify no filename extension when you are assembling your program, by default Turbo Assembler will look for that filename with a .asm extension. If your program has no extension or a different one, change it to .asm and try again.


Borland Turbo Assembler v3.1 User’s Guide
Borland Turbo Link v5.1 User’s Guide