Shueng-Han Gary Chan (陳雙幸)
Smart IoT and
Sensing Systems Group
Elected Fellow of
Sigma Xi (FSX),
The Scientific Research Honor Society with
200+ members having received Nobel Prize (for contributions to enterprises through research)
Elected Chartered Fellow (FCILT) of
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
World's Top 2% Scientists (published by Stanford University), 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service (for "outstanding
contribution to the fight against COVID-19"),
23rd Honours List, Hong Kong, 2020 (video, 07:10-07:28)
Board Director, Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Center (LSCM), Hong Kong
Electrical Engineering,
Stanford University, January 1999
PhD minor: Business Administration
(Management of operations,
information and technology)
MSE, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, June 1994 (William and Leila Fellow, 1993-94)
BSE (Highest Honors),
Electrical Engineering,
Princeton University, June 1993 (Charles Ira Young Memorial Tablet
and Medal, and the
POEM Newport Award of Excellence)
Certificates (Minors) in
Engineering Physics,
and Computational Mathematics, and
Engineering and Management Systems
(currently Optimization and Quantitative Decision Science),
Princeton University, June 1993
Elected into
Tau Beta Pi, and
Phi Beta Kappa, Princeton University, 1993
My weekly regular schedule
Research Interests
Smart sensing and AIoT (AI+IoT) systems, cloud and edge AI,
location AI and mobile computing,
video/user/data analytics, machine learning system innovations, technology transfer and
IT entrepreneurship
Full biography in text
I research and develop innovative smart IoT systems to advance our living and society. Through applied research on machine learning and data analytics,
we seek to overcome critical operational
challenges in industry to support cost-effective
large-scale multimedia and mobile services.
In contrast to
theoretical or
fundamental research, my team has been collaborating closly with companies
to bridge the "last mile" divide between laboratory and marketplace.
We apply rigorous algorithmic, computational and optimization techniques to relentlessly close
theory-practice gaps so that our systems can operate under the most general
realistic environment.
proof-of-concept prototypes or demonstrations,
and through technology transfer and entrepreneurship,
our systems can be readily and fully integrated into industrial systems
unmatched performance. I keep a strong
team of researchers (postdocs, PhD and MPhil candidates) and engineering
staff, whose work closely knit together so that
our research drives engineering systems while deployment
challenges drive our research agenda.
Our work
has been extensively supported by leading companies such as Boeing,
China Mobile, Cisco,
Google, HP, Huawei, Mei Ah Entertainment, Microsoft, New World Development, Sun Hung Kei Properties, TCL,
Tencent, UMP,
Widely known for their practical impacts
deployment success in industry,
my systems have won many awards.
The following lists some of my system
projects which have been under commercial trials or transferred to industry with
users (mostly supported by industry-government collaboration program through Hong Kong
Innovation and
Technology Fund
(ITF) and LSCM Center):
- AI + Healthcare (HealthTech/MedTech/Medical AI)
- System depoyment
Building a Smart IoT City to Efficiently Search for Missing MIP (Mentally Incapacitated People)
- MIP search with AIoT and LoRa (or NB-IoT) infrastructure (Total HK$9,438,075)
- Fostering a caring community for dementia anti-wandering
(Total HK$13,030,000)
- Precision Medicine:
Developing a Personalized AI Nurse (with UMP Healthcare Innovation and Incubation Company Limited)
Deep Learning Technology for Dyslexia Pre-screening (Total HK$3,741,641)
IoT Geofencing to Enforce Hong Kong Home Quarantine Order for Covid-19
J. Tan, E. Sumpena, W. Zhuo, Z. Zhao, M. Liu and S.-H. Chan, "IoT
Geofencing for COVID-19 Home Quarantine Enforcement," IEEE
Internet of Things Magazine Special Issue on Smart IoT Solutions for Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 24-29, September 2020.
AI-based Guidewire Recognition Technology to Enhance Surgical Safety
Proximity and Risk with Covid-infected Places for Mobile Users:
A Big Data Machine Learning Approach (Currently available in Google and Apple stores with keyword search "CovidInArea")
- Automated and Private Multimodal IoT Contact Tracing for Covid-19 Exposure
- G. Li, S. Hu, S. Zhong, W. Tsui and S.-H. Chan, "vContact:
Private WiFi-based IoT Contact Tracing with Virus Lifespan,''
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 9, pp. 3465-3480, March 2022.
- Awards and Honors (Attributed to my transferred technology)
- Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service (for "outstanding
contribution to the fight against COVID-19"), 23rd Honours List, Hong Kong, 2020
- Smart People (Smart Ageing) Silver Award, Hong Kong ICT Award, 2024
- Gold Medal, International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, April 2023
- Gold Award, FITMI (Federation of Innovative Technologies and Manufacturing Industries) Asia International Innovative Invention Award, June 2023
- Outstanding Award, ASMPT Technology Award, 2023
- Smart People (Smart Inclusion) Gold Award, Hong Kong ICT Award, 2022
- Smart People (Smart Education and Learning) Award, Certificate of Merit, Hong Kong ICT Award, 2022
- Merit Award (Inclusion category - General), 20th Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Alliance (APICTA) Awards, December 2021
- Merit Award (Technology category - IoT), 20th Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Alliance (APICTA) Awards, December 2021
- Anti-epidemic Technology Product Award, Retail Innovation Award 2020, Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association (RTIA), November 2020
- Outstanding Tracking and Surveillance Award, Pandemic Innovative Digital Solution Awards 2020, Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS), 2020 (To Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre Limited/Compathnion Technology for the geofencing technologies)
- Student Innovation (Post Graduate Stream) Bronze Award, Hong Kong ICT Awards, November 2020
- IoT Wireless Sensing
- System deployment
- Awards (Attributed to my transferred technology)
- OSH Innovation & Technology
Award (Bronze Award), March 2024
Smart Living Partnership Awards (Smart Mobility), February 2023
- ASM Technology Award (Silver Award), 2021
- China College Students' Entrepreneurship Competition (Silver Medal), 2018
- International Exhibition of Inventions (Silver Medal), Geneva, April 2018
- Hong Kong ICT Awards (Bronze), Student Innovation (Tertiary or Above), 2018
Champion, JCI East Kowloon Next Step Startup Challenge,
July 2017
Student Team Award, Winner of the 7th Annual HKUST One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition, June 2017
- First-class Award, Entrepreneurship Proposal, "Challenge Cup" National Competition - Hong Kong Regional Final, Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2017, May 2017
- Indoor Localization and Mobile Computing
- System deployment
- Awards (Attributed to my transferred technology)
Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Alliance (APICTA) Awards (Merit Award: Technology category - IoT),
December 2021
(to StayHomeSafe by Compathnion Technology Limited/Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre Limited)
Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Alliance (APICTA) Awards (Merit Award: Inclusion category - General),
December 2021
(to StayHomeSafe by Compathnion Technology Limited/Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre Limited)
- Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Technological Achievement, 2018 (To Compathnion Technology Ltd. for deploying our technologies)
- HK ICT Awards 2018 (Certificate of Merit), Smart Mobility Award (Smart Tourism), 2018 (To Harbour City Estates Ltd./Compathnion Technology Ltd. for deploying our technologies)
- Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Innovation and Creativity, 2015 (To Compathnion Technology Ltd. for deploying our technologies)
- Try out our "HKUST Path Advisor" Android apps for HKUST multi-floor indoor navigation on
Google Play
- Multi-hop Mesh WiFi for Pervasive High-throughput Access
- System deployment
- Pervasive Mesh Wi-Fi Access in Hong Kong Police College
(Total HK$1,759,000)
- Innovating an Efficient Outdoor Mobile Wireless Mesh Network
(Total HK$2,801,774.18)
- Designing an Advanced Outdoor Wireless Router
- Lavinet: An Advanced Multi-hop Wireless Infrastructure for Aviation MRO Industry
- SmartMesh:
An Intelligent Wireless Mesh Network for a Wi-Fi City
(Total HK$1,045,000)
- Awards (Attributed to my transferred technology)
Streamphony: A Novel
Cost-Effective Video Streaming Cloud over The
Global Internet
- System deployment
- Internet Streaming for a Video Channel
- A Next-generation Content Delivery Cloud for Live and Interactive
Video Streaming (Total HK$8,560,189.67)
FastMesh: A
Proxy-based Peer-to-Peer Streaming Protocol for Scalable IPTV Services
(Total HK$1,217,799)
Scalable IPTV and
Interactive-movie Platforms for Ubiquitous Multimedia Streaming
- Awards and Highlights (Attributed to my technology)
- Gold Award, Best SME ICT (Cloud Solution) Award, HK ICT Awards
2014 (to Ananflow Technology Ltd. for deploying Streamphony)
- Best
Innovation & Research (College &
Undergraduates Schools) Awards (Special Mention
and Special Mention (Commercial Value)), Hong
Kong ICT Awards 2013
- Empowering the service launch of UTV, Hong Kong
first mobile TV channels,
with China Mobile Hong Kong and Mei Ah Digital Technology, December 10, 2012
Successful technology transfer and deployment trials
with Mei Ah Digital Technology
(October 30, 2012)
Courses I Teach
Academic Calendar
COMP 4911/ENTR 4911/COMP 5911 (IT Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Me),
Spring 2025, Spring 2024,
Spring 2023 (co-listed with COMP6613D "Start Me Up: Creating Value with Information Technology"),
Fall 2021 (co-listed with COMP6613D "Start Me up: Creating Value with Information Technology"), Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2016, Spring 2015
- COMP 2011 (Programming with C++), Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2022,
Spring 2021
COMP 2012H (Honors Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures), Fall 2022, Fall 2015,
Spring 2012
CSIT6000J (IT Entrepreneurship),
Spring 2021
- COMP 2012 (Object-Oriented Programming and Data
Structures), Spring 2018, Spring 2014,
Spring 2013
- COMP 5622 (Advanced Computer Communications and Networking:
Performance Evaluation of Communication Networks, Spring 2012
- COMP 152 (Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures),
Spring 2011, Fall 2010,
Spring 2010, Fall 2009
- COMP 610G (Computational Finance), Spring 2008
- CSIT 600H
(Computational Finance), Nov/Dec 2007, June/July 2007, Feb 2006,
Mar 2006
- MAFS 524 (Software Development with C++ for Quantitative
Finance), Spring 2007
- COMP 104H
(Programming Fundamentals and Methodologies
for Honors Students),
Fall 2006, Fall 2005, Fall 2004
- EMB (Education and Manpower Bureau) Information Technology
Enhancement Program for Gifted Students, Spring 2006,
Spring 2005
- COMP 171H
(Data Structures and
Algorithms for Honors Students), Fall 2006, Fall 2005, Fall 2004
- COMP 171
(Data Structures and Algorithms), Spring 2004, Spring 2003
(Computer Communication Networks II), Fall 2003, Spring 2002, Spring 2001,
Spring 2000
- COMP 651C
(Computer Networks Performance Evaluation: Simulation, Analysis, and
Modelling), Fall 2002
- COMP 361
(Computer Communication Networks I), Fall 2001, Fall 1999
- COMP 660E
(Topics in Computer and Communication Network: Multimedia), Fall 2000
- Previously at University of California, Davis (USA)
ECS152A (Computer Networks I), Winter 1999, Autumn 1998
ECS152B (Computer Networks II), Spring 1999, Winter 1999
Research and Labs
Professional Activities
- Associate/Guest Editor
Special Issue on Softwarization and Caching in NGN,
Elsevier Computer Networks, Volume 125, 9 October 2017.
Special Issue on Multimedia Big Data: Networking,
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communication and Applications (TOMM),
Volume 12, Issue 5s, September 2016.
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 1 September
2006 - 31 August 2011.
Special Issue on
P2P Cloud Systems,
Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications,
Volume 8, Issue 2, March 2015.
Special Section
on Interactive Multimedia
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 13, No. 5, October 2011.
Special Issue
on Distributed Image Processing and Communications,
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,
Vol. 28,
No. 3, May 2011.
- Feature Topic on Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Streaming,
IEEE Communications Magazine,
June 2007.
- Special issue on Advances in Consumer
Communications and Networking, Springer Multimedia Tools and
Applications, Vol. 29, No. 3 June, 2006.
- TPC Chair/Co-chair/Vice-chair/Track chair
- Co-chair, ITC (International Teletraffic Congress), Wurzburg, Germany, 12-16 Septemer, 2016
- Co-chair, International Workshop on Mobile Location-Based
Service, in conjunction with ACM Ubicomp, Sept. 18, 2011
- TPC Chair,
IEEE Consumer Communications
and Networking (CCNC), Las Vegas (USA), Jan 9-12, 2010.
- Technical Program Committee Vice-Chair (Multimedia Networking Track
IEEE Consumer Communications
and Networking (CCNC), Las Vegas (USA), 10-12 January,
- Travel grant co-chair, ACM Multimedia, 27
October - November 1, 2008
- Co-chair, Multimedia communications services and software symposium, IEEE
Globecom, Washington (DC), 26-30 November 2007.
- Technical Program Committee Vice-Chair (Wireless Networking and
Multimedia Communications),
IEEE International Conference
on Computer Communications and Networking
(ICCCN), Hawaii (USA), 13-15 August,
- Technical Program Committee Vice-Chair (Wireless Networking Track
IEEE Consumer Communications
and Networking (CCNC), Las Vegas (USA), 11-13 January,
- Technical Program Vice Co-Chairs, Multimedia Networking and QoS Track, IEEE
International Symposium on Multimedia
(ISM), San Diego, CA, December 11-13, 2006.
- Co-Chair, Multimedia Communications Symposium, IEEE Globecom, SF,
CA, 27 Nov - 1 Dec, 2006.
- Co-Chair, Multimedia Communications and Home Services Symposium,
IEEE ICC 2007 (Scotland), ICC 2005
- Co-Chair, Workshop on "Advances in peer-to-peer multimedia
streaming," ACM Multimedia Conference, 6-12 November, 2005.
- Professional societies
Some Links I Visit