COMP572 -- Fall 2004

Hungarian Algorithm Specification

A: (1 person) Implement Hungarian algorithm

The input is read from standard input or a file (your documentation should indicate which). The first line contains an integer n where n is the number of nodes of both sides of the bipartite graph. The nodes are referred as x0 to xn-1 and y0 to yn-1. Each of the next n lines of the input contains n numbers. The j-th integer in the i-th line indicates that the weight of the edge from node xi to node yj. Note that the weights should be assumed to be integers (positive, 0 or negative)

You can assume:
n is between 1 and 100.
The absolute weight of all edges is less than 109.
The absolute total weight of the max bipartite matching is less than 109.

i) Print out the total weight of the max bipartite matching  in the first line.

ii) Print out the a0 to an-1, a permutation of 0 to n-1, in next line where ai specifies that xi is matched to yai.

iii) Print out the associated feasible labellings of  y0 to yn-1.

iv) Print out the associated feasible labellings of  x0 to xn-1.

Note that this matching may not be unique. You just need to output one optimal matching

Follow the format as sample output. Don’t print any other text character. Always use a space to separate two values.

Sample input: (Hungarian Algorithm, page 15)

1 6 0
0 8 6
4 0 1

Sample output:
1 2 0
0 2 0
4 6 4

B: (2 person) Implement part (A) and a GUI for the Hungarian Algorithm:

Your program should also include a GUI that includes

Note that, even with the GUI, your program should also permit inputting text data via standard input or from a file following the specifications from part (A)

This page was released on November 19, 2004 and last revised on 11/19/2004 13:39 +0800

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