COMP572 -- Fall 2004

Project Softcopy Submission Instructions

A soft copy of your project code  should be emailed to before 1PM on Dec 8, 2004.  The softcopy should be a zipped or gzipped directory containing all relevant files. In particular it should contain:

  1. An executable file implementing your project. The name of the executable must be either maxflow, matching or simplex. The executable must run on
    1. either a windows box running XP
    2. (a Solaris box in our department available to all PG students)
  2. All source files necessary for BUILDING the executable
  3. A file named README
    1. describing what each file in the directory is
    2. describing how to run the executable
    3. giving instructions on how to build the executable from the source code

If you have any questions concerning these submission instructions please contact

This page was released on November 19, 2004 and last revised on 12/01/2004 17:18 +0800

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