This file contains the Marking Scheme for Assignment 1 COMP361, Spring 2003

Assignment 1 consisted of two parts.  The first part , Ass1a, was worth one point and consisted of two subparts.  The first subpart dealt with HTTP and the second subpart with DNS.  The second part of the assignment, Ass1b, dealt with SMTP.  Each part of the assignment was worth 1 point of the final class grade. The marking scheme below describes how points were deducted from teh assignment grade.  In addition,  an additional 0.05 points were deducted from each part that was submitted late (after the published deadline)

For questions concerning marks please speak with the TA, Ms Xu Ji.


Ass1a 1pt

HTTP .5pt
(h.a)- 0.5 if nothing submitted
(h.b)- 0.05 if forgets "hostname; date; whoami"
(h.c)- 0.025 if is working on an incorrect machine
(h.d)- 0.3 The HTTP.txt is not correct
(h.e)- 0.05 The file name is wrong
(h.f)- 0.1 if forgets the result of "hostname; date; whoami"

DNS .5pt
(d.a)- 0.5 if nothing submitted
(d.b)- 0.05 if forgets the "1" in the "1X", i.e., if requests "" instead of "
(d.c)- 0.025 if requests data on the wrong machine
(d.d)- 0.10 if forgets the A records
(d.e)- 0.10 if forgets the NS records or NS is not correct.
(d.f)- 0.05  if forgets the student name and ID

If  multiple files were submittted, last one submitted was  the one graded


Ass1b 1pt
(a)-1.00 if nothing submitted
(b)-0.25 if mail return address does not contain  real name name or user name
(c)-0.05 if  mail return address is user name and not real name
(d)-0.10 if mail does not contain ID number
(e)-0.10 if mail does not contain real NAME
If multiple emails were sent, last one sent is the one graded