Mo Li (李默)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Office: Rm 3534 (life 25/26), Academic Building
Hiring: I'm constantly looking for prospective PhD students/RAs, expected to work on AIoT (AI+IoT) systems and applications.
Biography Mo Li is currently a professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is also affiliated (on leave) with School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. He received his BS degree in Department of Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University, and the PhD degree from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is heading Wireless And Networked Distributed Sensing (WANDS) system group. Dr. Li is in executive committee of ACM SIGMOBILE. He is currently on the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Internet of Things and IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. He is a Distinguished Member of the ACM and a Fellow of the IEEE.
Research Interests Wireless and mobile computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and AIoT, smart city and urban computing The long term goal of my research is to deepen and broaden the way we instrument the physical world, with which we can generate artificial intelligence, perform insightful data analytics, and provide human centered services AI to facilitate people's smarter lifestyle. See People of ACM Interview for a brief introduction of my research aspiration on AIoT.
Antenna array extension to the CSI tool - SWAN: Stitched Wi-Fi ANtennas, ACM MobiCom'18, [Demo video] Wi-Fi tracking and localization with the CSI tool - mD-Track: Leveraging Multi-Dimensionality in Passive Indoor Wi-Fi Tracking, ACM MobiCom'19
This work led to a recent LoRaWAN Technical Recommendation TR013 Enabling CSMA for LoRaWAN by LoRa Alliance LoRa Alliance Webinar on this TR
ST4ML: Machine Learning Oriented Spatio-Temporal Data Processing at Scale, ACM SIGMOD'23
Penetrative AI: Making LLMs Comprehend the Physical World, ACM HotMobile'24
Teaching Fall '23: COMP4531 IoT and Smart Sensing Spring '24: COMP3511 Operating Systems
Selected Publications (Full list)
[LoRa Alliance] "TR013: Enabling CSMA for LoRaWAN", LoRaWAN Technical Recommendation, September 2023
[MobiCom'23] "XCopy: Boosting Weak Links for Reliable LoRa Communication", In ACM MobiCom, Madrid, Spain, October 2023
[NSDI'22] "Passive DSSS: Empowering the Downlink Communication for Backscatter Systems", In USENIX NSDI, Renton, WA, USA, April 2022
[MobiCom'20] "LMAC:Efficient Carrier-Sense Multiple Access for LoRa", In ACM MobiCom, London, UK, September 2020
[MobiCom'20] "Internet-of-Microchips: Direct Radio-to-Bus Communication with SPI Backscatter", In ACM MobiCom, London, UK, September 2020
[TOSN'19] "Known and Unkown Facts of LoRa: Experiences from a Large Scale Measurement Study", ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 15, Issue 2, Article 16, February 2019
[MobiCom'19] "mD-Track: Leveraging Multi-Dimensionality in Passive Indoor Wi-Fi Tracking", In ACM MobiCom, Los Cabos, Mexico, October 2019
[MobiCom'18] "SWAN: Stitched Wi-Fi ANtennas", In ACM MobiCom, New Delhi, India, October 2018
[MobiCom'15] "Precise Power Delay Profiling with Commodity WiFi", In ACM MobiCom, Paris, France, September 2015
[MobiCom'14] "Tagoram: Real-Time Tracking of Mobile RFID Tags to High Precision Using COTS Devices", In ACM MobiCom, Maui, Hawaii, USA, September 2014
AIoT and mobile sensing:
[HotMobile'24] "Penetrative AI: Making LLMs Comprehend the Physical World", In ACM HotMobile, San Diego, USA, Feb 2024
[MobiCom'23] "Practically Adopting Human Activity Recognition", In ACM MobiCom, Madrid, Spain, October 2023
[SenSys'22] "SiFall: Practical Online Fall Detection with RF Sensing", In ACM SenSys'22, Boston, USA, November 2022
[MobiCom'22] "Experience: Adopting Indoor Outdoor Detection in On-demand Food Delivery Business", In ACM MobiCom, Sydney, Australia, October 2022
[SenSys'21] "LIMU-BERT: Unleashing the Potential of Unlabeled Data for IMU Sensing Applications", In ACM SenSys, Coimbra, Portugal, November 2021
[UbiComp'19] "Amateur: Augmented Reality based Vehicle Navigation System", Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), Vol. 2, No. 4, Article 155, 2018
[SenSys'15] "When Pipelines Meet Fountain: Fast Data Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks", In ACM SenSys, Seoul, South Korea, November 2015
[SenSys'12] "IODetector: A Generic Service for Indoor Outdoor Detection", In ACM SenSys Pages 113-126, Toronto, Canada, November 2012
Smart city & urban computing:
[SIGMOD'23] "ST4ML: Machine Learning Oriented Spatio-Temporal Data Processing at Scale", In Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Article 87, May 2023
[KDD'21] "Generating Mobility Trajectories with Retained Data Utility", In ACM KDD, Singapore, August 2021
[ICDE'21] "Predicting the Impact of Disruptions to Urban Rail Transit Systems", Short, In IEEE ICDE, Chania, Crete, Greece, April 2021
[ICDE'21] "CrowdAtlas: Estimating Crowd Distribution within the Urban Rail Transit System", Short, In IEEE ICDE, Chania, Crete, Greece, April 2021
[MobiCom'21] "Large-Scale Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction with Camera Sensing Network", In ACM MobiCom, New Orleans, USA, October 2021
[AAAI'21] "Traffic Flow Prediction with Vehicle Trajectories", In AAAI, Vancouver, Canada, February 2021
[Network'18] "Urban Traffic Prediction from Mobility Data Using Deep Learning", IEEE Network, Vol. 32, Issue 4, Pages 40-46, 2018
[IPSN'18] "Walkway Discovery from Large Scale Crowdsensing", In ACM/IEEE IPSN, Pages 13-24, Porto, Portugal, April 2018
Professional Services
Journal Editorship
Recent TPC activities
Societal activities
Honors and Awards
ACM SenSys Test of Time Award, 2022
Group members
Kaiqi Liu (PhD student, NTU, 2020-)
Yuanqing Zheng (Doctorate in 2014, now associate professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Invited Talks
"Building Intelligence into Sensing, Networking, and Data Analytics of IoT", invited talk, Ohio State University, March 2024