
Raymond Chi-Wing Wong


Rm 3541 (Lift 25/26) (Academic Building),
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2358 6982
Fax: (852) 2358 1477

Biography | Research Experience | Teaching Experience | Mentoring Experience |
Award | Publication | Academic Activity | Invited Talk | Research Statement


Raymond Chi-Wing Wong is a Professor in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He is currently the associate head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and the director of Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). He was the associate director of the Data Science & Technology (DSCT) program (from 2019 to 2021), the director of the Risk Management and Business Intelligence (RMBI) program (from 2017 to 2019), the director of the Computer Engineering (CPEG) program (from 2014 to 2016) and the associate director of the Computer Engineering (CPEG) program (from 2012 to 2014). He received the BSc, MPhil and PhD degrees in Computer Science and Engineering in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2002, 2004 and 2008, respectively. In 2004-2005, he worked as a research and development assistant under an R&D project funded by ITF and a local industrial company called Lifewood.

From May 2006 to Aug 2006, he was a visiting student of Prof. Jian Pei and Prof. Ke Wang, at Simon Fraser University in Canada. From Aug 2007 to Sept 2007, he visited IBM T.J. Watson Research Center as a summer intern under the supervision of Prof. Philip S. Yu. From Jun 2008 to Jul 2008, he visited Prof. Tamer Ozsu at University of Waterloo as a visiting scholar. Some of his collaborators are Prof. Ada Fu (2003-2013), Prof. Ke Wang (2003-2013), Prof. Philip S. Yu (2009-2013), Prof. Jian Pei (2006-2011), Prof. Tamer Ozsu (2009-2011), Prof. Jiuyong Li (2006-2011), Prof. Yufei Tao (2007-2009), Prof. Ihab Ilyas (2009), Prof. Jeffrey Yu (2009),Prof. Lei Chen (2008) and Prof. Eamonn Keogh (2008).

Research Experience

He received 43 awards. He published 130 conference papers (e.g., SIGMOD, SIGKDD, VLDB, ICDE and ICDM), 49 journal/chapter papers (e.g., TODS, DAMI, TKDE, VLDB journal and TKDD) and 1 book. He reviewed papers from conferences and journals related to data mining and database, including VLDB conference, SIGMOD, TODS, VLDB Journal, TKDE, TKDD, ICDE, SIGKDD, ICDM, DAMI, DaWaK, PAKDD, EDBT and IJDWM. He is a program committee member of conferences, including SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, KDD, ICDM and SDM, and a referee of journals, including TODS, VLDBJ, TKDE, TKDD, DAMI and KAIS.

His research interests include database and data mining. The research topics he worked include the following.

  • Spatial Database (published in SIGMOD20, ICDE20, ICDE19, SIGMOD17, VLDB16, VLDB15, SIGMOD14, VLDB14, SIGMOD13, VLDB13, VLDBJ12, TKDE12, SIGMOD11, VLDBJ11, ICDE11, VLDB09, EDBT09, VLDB08, TKDE09, VLDB07 and SIGKDD07)

  • Data Analytics (published in KDD20, ICDE20, ICDM19, SIGMOD19, ICDE19, SIGMOD18, ICDT17)

  • Customer-Centric Data Mining (published in SIGMOD14, ICDE14, ICDM13, TKDE12, ICDE11, ICDE10, VLDB09, TODS09, EDBT09, ICE09, VLDB08, SIGKDD07, DAMI06, SDM05, ICDM05, DAMI05, PAKDD04 and ICDM03)

  • Privacy Preservation (published in TKDD11, DKE11, ICDM10, ICDE10, DASFAA10, SDM10, TODS09, ICDE09, VLDB08, TKDE08, VLDB07, SIGKDD06, ICDM05 and DaWaK06)

  • Social Network (published in InfoSys14, ICDM11 and PAKDD04)

  • Graph Database (published in ICDM19, VLDB17, VLDB14 and VLDB13)

  • Classification (published in ICDM19, SDM14)

  • Music Database (published in ICMC17, ICDE13)

  • Data Warehouse (published in VLDB08, TKDE09 and SIGKDD07)

  • Data Stream (published in DAMI06 and SDM05)

  • Music Composition (published in ICDE12)

  • Association Rule/Frequent Pattern Mining (published in ICDE12, ICDM03, DAMI05 and PAKDD04)

  • Clustering/Outlier (published in TKDE05)

  • Temporal Data/Time Series (published in ICDE12 and VLDBJ08)

  • Wireless Network (published in ICC14 and INFOCOM08)

  • Rate Control over Video Streams (published in ICIP07)

  • Entropy Coding (published in ICASSP07)

He also worked in different universities and research centers as follows.

  1. Visiting Scholar at University of Waterloo (Jun 2008-Jul 2008)
    To conduct research with Prof. Tamer Ozsu at University of Waterloo

  2. Summer Intern at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (Aug 2007-Sept 2007)
    To conduct research with Prof. Philip S. Yu at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in New York

  3. Research Visitor at SFU (Simon Fraser University) (May 2006-Aug 2006)
    To conduct research with two professors, Prof. Jian Pei and Prof. Ke Wang, at Simon Fraser University in Canada

  4. Research Assistant at HKU ETI (E-Business Technology Institute) (May 2005-July 2005)
    To do the research work on "Drill Process Monitoring System ?V Drill Depth Calculation"

  5. Research and Development Assistant at CUHK CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) (Aug 2004-April 2005)
    To do the R&D work with a local company called Lifewood on data mining in industrial funded projects

  6. Summer Research Assistant at HKU ETI(E-Business Technology Institute) (July-Aug 2001)
    To do a research project about e-business and computer security

Teaching Experience

  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2024)
  • MSBD5002: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Spring 2024)
  • COMP5331: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2023)
  • CSIT5210: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Fall 2023)
  • CORE1232/COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2023)
  • COMP5331: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2022)
  • CSIT5210: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Fall 2022)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2022)
  • COMP5331: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2021)
  • CSIT5210: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Fall 2021)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2021)
  • MSBD5002: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Spring 2021)
  • COMP5331: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2020)
  • CSIT5210: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Fall 2020)
  • DSCT4900: Academic and Professional Development (Fall 2020)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2020)
  • COMP5331: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2019)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2019)
  • COMP5331: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2018)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2018)
  • COMP4332: Big Data Mining and Management (Spring 2018)
  • RMBI4310: Advanced Data Mining for Risk Management and Business Intelligence (co-listed with COMP 4332) (Spring 2018)
  • COMP5331: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2017)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2017)
  • COMP2711: Discrete Mathematical Tools for Computer Science (Fall 2016)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2016)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2015)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2014)
  • COMP5331: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2013)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2013)
  • COMP5331: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2012)
  • COMP1942: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2012)
  • COMP5331: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2011)
  • COMP192: Exploring and Visualizing Data (Spring 2011)
  • COMP537: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Fall 2010)
  • COMP170: Discrete Mathematical Tools for Computer Science (Spring 2010)
  • COMP231: Database Management Systems (Fall 2009)
  • COMP697J: Independent Studies: Database Management Implementation (Summer 2009)
  • COMP537: Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Spring 2009)

Mentoring Experience

FYP Advisor (Aug 2009-May 2017)
To supervise the FYP (Final Year Project) students to complete the project

  1. Finding Shortest Path in UST (Group 1) (Aug 2009-May 2010)
    Members: Kwan Wang CHOW, Hung Ho LIU, Siu Wing SO, Wai Ying NG
  2. Finding Shortest Path in UST (Group 2) (Aug 2009-May 2010)
    Members: Tat LEE, Ka Hei LAM, Chun Him LO
  3. Knowledge Discovery over Popular Songs (Aug 2009-May 2010)
    Members: Tsz Ho LEE, Ming Lun LI, Robbie Hon Pan WONG
  4. Seat Assignment in UST (Group 1) (Aug 2010-May 2011)
    Members: Po Yi CHEUNG, Hiram Tsz Him CHAN, Kin Shing CHEUK, Kai Shing CHAN 
  5. Seat Assignment in UST (Group 2) (Aug 2010-May 2011)
    Members: Kam Yuen MOK, Jeffrey Man Ho FUNG
  6. Knowledge Discovery over Chinese Songs (Aug 2010-May 2011)
    Members: Raymond Ka Wai SZE, Kai Ho WOO, Yan Shing LEUNG, Man Fung LUI
  7. Data Mining for Business Applications (Group 1)(Aug 2011- May 2012)
    Members: Ka Man CHAN, Ka Wing HO, Pui Yan Kitty KWAN, Wai Ming LAM
  8. Data Mining for Business Applications (Group 2) (Aug 2011- May 2012)
    Members: Chak Pan HO
  9. Restaurant Search (Aug 2011- May 2012)
    Members: Ka Hang POON, Chun Ho TAM, Ka Wan TSANG, Yan Wai WU
  10. Data Mining over Songs (Aug 2012-May 2013)
    Members: Kai Ho CHAN, Kam Tsun SO, Hoi Yan CHEUK
  11. Transforming Audio into Music (Aug 2012-May 2013)
    Members: Kit Sze WAN, Sze Ho LEUNG, Oi Yan LEUNG, Chui Ling WONG
  12. UST Path Advisor Enhancement (Aug 2012-May 2013)
    Members: Ping Chung KWAN, Kin Long HO, Tsz Him Derek SUNG, Hiu Lam KWOK
  13. Hot Bundle for Red Wine Inventory (Aug 2012-May 2013)
    Members: Winky Hiu Tung CHAN, Candy Shuk Kai KO, Jason King Chung YEUNG
  14. Seat Assignment in UST (Aug 2013-May 2014)
    Members: Kai Shun CHAN, Chun Ho CHAN, Hoi Ting CHAN
  15. Knowledge Discovery over English Songs (Aug 2013-May 2014)
    Members:Richeng HUANG, Bo WANG, Jiabin HU, Jing ZHAO
  16. A Study of Social Network Analysis (Aug 2014-May 2015)
    Members: Edbert Eddie PUSPITO
  17. Online Booking System (Aug 2014-May 2015)
    Members: Fu Lun LAM, Lai Yan KONG, Yuen Fat TANG
  18. Classification with a Noise Condition (Aug 2014-May 2015)
    Members: Xuan CHEN
  19. Digital Signage System in UST (Aug 2015-May 2016)
    Members: Chun Tat LEE, Pang Fung LIU, Ming Kit WONG, Ka Ming LEUNG
  20. Research on Data Mining/Database (Aug 2015-May 2016)
    Members: Puikuen LEUNG
  21. Online Booking System (Aug 2015-May 2016)
    Members: Wing Ki LEE, Kwok Lam WONG, Wing Yan Vannesa CHAN, Hong Man LAM
  22. Car Parking System via Physical Web (a new Google technology) (Aug 2016-May 2017)
    Members: Ka Po SUI, Pui Wai O, Man Keung MOOLTHAM
  23. Research on Data Mining/Database (Aug 2016-May 2017)
    Members: Sepanta ZEIGHAMI
  24. Processing Time Series in a Distributed Environment (Aug 2016-May 2017)
    Members: Yee Shien YEO, Tsz Cheung LO, Tianwen CHEN, Hang SHANG


  • Current Students
    • Hon Hing CHAK
    • Qixu CHEN
    • Hao LIU
    • Junjie LIU
    • Hong SU
    • Weile TAN
    • Xubang XIONG
    • Yinzhao YAN
  • Past Visiting Students
  • Graduated Students
    • Libin WANG
      • Status after graduation: Postdoc at HKUST
    • Weicheng WANG (PhD 2023)
      • Status after graduation: Postdoc at HKUST
    • Xiaotian YOU (MPhil 2023)
      • Status after graduation: Software Engineer at Jane Street
    • Tianwen CHEN (PhD 2022)
      • Status after graduation: Machine Learning Engineer at Kuaishou
    • Hon Hing CHAK (MPhil 2022)
      • Status after graduation: PhD Student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • Dandan LIN (PhD 2021)
      • Status after graduation: Applied Researcher at WeChat Business Group of Tencent
    • Yuen Hoi LAU (MPhil 2021)
      • Status after graduation: Senior Quantitative Analyst (MacroValue Investors Limited)
    • Zheng ZHANG (MPhil 2021)
      • Status after graduation: Developer at Alibaba
    • James Shing Chun YIP (MPhil 2020)
      • Status after graduation: Private tutor
    • Harry Kai Ho CHAN (PhD 2019)
    • Tianwen CHEN (MPhil 2019)
      • Status after graduation: PhD Student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • Tae Jun LEE
      • Status after graduation: A co-founder of a startup company called StoreRush
    • Min XIE (PhD 2019)
      • Status after graduation: Researcher at Shenzhen Institute of Computing Science
    • Sepanta ZEIGHAMI (MPhil 2019)
      • Status after graduation: PhD student at University of Southern California
    • Victor Junqiu WEI (PhD 2018)
      • Status after graduation: Researcher at Noah's Ark Lab of Huawei
    • Ken Chung Hin KWOK (MPhil 2018)
      • Status after graduation: R&D position at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • Minhao JIANG (PhD 2017)
      • Status after graduation: R&D position at Tusimple (A Startup Company)
    • Joe Wing Ho LIN (MPhil 2017)
      • Status after graduation: Lecturer of HKCC
    • Kwok Wai WONG (MPhil 2016)
      • Status after graduation: Research Assistant at Hang Seng Management College
    • Chengxi YANG (MPhil 2016)
      • Status after graduation: R&D position at SenseTime
    • Coleman YU (MPhil 2016)
      • Status after graduation: PhD Student at Kyoto University
    • Cheng LONG (PhD 2015)
    • Peng PENG (PhD 2015)
      • Status after graduation: Senior Algorithm Engineer at Alibaba
    • Harry Kai Ho CHAN (MPhil 2015)
      • Status after graduation: PhD Student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • Dickson Kin Long HO (MPhil 2015)
      • Status after graduation: R&D position at Radica
    • Pakawadee PENGCHAROEN (MPhil 2015)
      • Status after graduation: Business Analyst at Phatra Securities
    • Bin ZHANG (MPhil 2013)
      • Status after graduation: Software Development Engineer at Amazon
    • Yu PENG (PhD 2012)
      • Status after graduation: Technology Analyst at JP Morgan
    • Liangliang YE (MPhil 2011)
      • Status after graduation: R&D position at Merrill Lynch
    • Lian LIU (MPhil 2010)
      • Status after graduation: PhD student at University of Southern California
    • Qian WAN (MPhil 2010)
      • Status after graduation: PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Award (Click here for a full list)

  1. KDD 2025 Outstanding Reviewer (provided by KDD 2025), 2025

  2. MDM 2024 Best Paper Award (provided by MDM 2024), 2024

  3. ICDE 2024 Best Paper Award (provided by ICDE 2024), 2024

  4. Outstanding Meta-Reviewer Award for ICDE 2024 (provided by ICDE 2024), 2024

  5. UROP Faculty Research Award (Second Runner-up) (provided by HKUST), 2023

  6. Top 2% of Scientists on Stanford List (provided by Elsevier BV), 2022

  7. VLDB2022: Distinguished Reviewer (provided by VLDB2022), 2022

  8. Best Teaching Award of MSc Program in Information Technology (2020-2021) (provided by HKUST), 2022

  9. Best Teaching Award of MSc Program in Big Data Technology (2020-2021) (provided by HKUST), 2021

  10. CIKM2021: Best Reviewer Award (provided by CIKM2021), 2021

  11. IJCAI2021: Appreciation Card of Senior Program Committee Member (provided by IJCAI2021), 2021

  12. ICONIP2020: Certificate of Appreciation (provided by ICONIP2020), 2021

  13. Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching 2020 (provided by HKUST), 2020

  14. School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award (provided by HKUST), 2020

  15. Best Paper Candidate in SIGMOD 2020 (out of 123 accepted papers), 2020

  16. Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 2019 – Honorary Mention (provided by HKUST), 2020

  17. Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 2016 – Honorary Mention (provided by HKUST), 2017

  18. The ICDT 2017 Best Newcomer Award (provided by ICDT 2017), 2017

  19. School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award, (provided by HKUST), 2016

  20. UROP Faculty Research Award (provided by HKUST), 2015

  21. Certificate of Appreciation for Leadership and Service as an IEEE Chapter Chair, 2014

  22. Best Paper Candidate in SDM 2014 (8 out of 60 accepted papers (13.33%)), 2014

  23. KDD 2012 Outstanding Organizing Committee Award (provided by ACM KDD 2012), 2012

  24. Best Paper Candidate in IEEE ICDE 2011 (8 out of 98 accepted papers (8.16%)), 2011

  25. CIKM 2009 Outstanding Service Award (provided by ACM CIKM 2009), 2009

  26. Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship (HK$30,000) (provided by Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council), 2006-2007

  27. Chung Hwa Travel Service Scholarship (HK$20,000) (provided by Chung Hwa Travel Service), 2006-2007

  28. First Honor (Computer Science) (provided by the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2002

  29. Swire Scholarship (HK$36,000+HK$36,000) (provided by the John Swire and Sons), 2000-2002 (Consecutive Two Years)



  1. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, and Ada Wai-Chee Fu,
    "Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing: An Overview",
    Morgan & Claypool, 2010 (pdf)


  1. Libin Wang and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Efficient Indexing for Flexible Label-Constrained Shortest Path Queries in Road Networks",
    the 2025 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Berlin, Germany on 22-27 June, 2025

  2. Qixu Chen, Yeye He, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Weiwei Cui, Song Ge, Haidong Zhang, Dongmei Zhang and Suraji Chaudhuri,
    "Auto-Test: Learning Semantic-Domain Constraints for Unsupervised Error Detection in Tables",
    the 2025 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Berlin, Germany on 22-27 June, 2025

  3. Jianyang Gao, Yutong Gou, Yuexuan Xu, Yongyi Yang, Cheng Long and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Practical and Asymptotically Optimal Quantization of High-Dimensional Vectors in Euclidean Space for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search",
    the 2025 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Berlin, Germany on 22-27 June, 2025

  4. Peilin Zhou, Chao Liu, Jing Ren, Xinfeng Zhou, Yueqi XIE, Meng Cao, Zhongtao Rao, You-Liang Huang, Dading Chong, Junling Liu, Jae Boum KIM, Shoujin Wang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Sunghun Kim,
    "When Large Vision Language Models Meet Multimodal Sequential Recommendation: An Empirical Study",
    ACM The Web Conference 2025, Sydney, Australia on April 28-May 2, 2025

  5. Jinwei Lu, Yuanfeng Song, Haodi Zhang, Chen Zhang, Kaishun WU and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Towards Robustness of Text-to-Visualization Translation against Lexical and Phrasal Variability",
    the 41st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2025), Hong Kong SAR, China on May 19-23, 2025

  6. Zhuoyue WAN, Yuanfeng Song, Shuaimin Li, Chen Zhang and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "DataVisT5: A Pre-trained Language Model for Jointly Understanding Text and Data Visualization",
    the 41st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2025), Hong Kong SAR, China on May 19-23, 2025

  7. Weixu Zhang, Yifei Wang, Yuanfeng Song, Victor Junqiu Wei, Yuxing Tian, Yiyan Qi, Jonathan Chan, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, and Haiqin Yang,
    "Natural Language Interfaces for Tabular Data Querying and Visualization: A Survey (Extended Abstract)",
    the 41st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2025), Hong Kong SAR, China on May 19-23, 2025

  8. Ruida Wang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, and Weile TAN,
    "SR-PredictAO: Session-based Recommendation with High-Capability Predictor Add-On",
    the 24th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2024), Abu Dhabi, UAE on December 9-12, 2024 (Acceptance = 66/604 = 10.93%)

  9. Yuanfeng SONG, Xuefang Zhao and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Marrying Dialogue Systems with Data Visualization: Interactive Data Visualization Generation from Natural Language Conversations",
    the 30th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD), Barcelona, Spain on Aug 25-29, 2024 (Acceptance XXX/2046 = ~20%)

  10. Qixu Chen and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Robust Best Point Selection under Unreliable User Feedback",
    the 50th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'24), Guangzhou, China on 26-30 Aug, 2024
    (pdf) (code)

  11. Libin Wang and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "PCSP: Efficiently Answering Label-Constrained Shortest Path Queries in Road Networks",
    the 50th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'24), Guangzhou, China on 26-30 Aug, 2024
    (pdf) (code)

  12. Yinzhao Yan and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Efficient Shortest Path Queries on 3D Weighted Terrain Surfaces for Moving Objects",
    the 25th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2024), Brussels, Belgium on 24-27 June, 2024 (Acceptance 21/78 = 26.92%)
    (Selected as the best paper (out of 21 accepted papers))
    (pdf) (code)

  13. Yinzhao Yan and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Proximity Queries on Point Clouds using Rapid Construction Path Oracle",
    the 2024 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Santiago, Chile on 9-15 June, 2024
    (pdf) (code)

  14. Yan Ge, Victor Junqiu Wei, Yuanfeng Song, Jason Chen Zhang and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Automatic Data Visualization Generation from Chinese Natural Language Questions",
    the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING), Torino, Italia on 20-25 May 2024

  15. Hao Liu and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Adversarial Learning of Group and Individual Fair Representations",
    The 28th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), Taipei, Taiwan on May 7-10, 2024 (Acceptance = 135/720 = 18.75%)
    (pdf) (code) (pptx)

  16. Libin Wang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Christian S. Jensen,
    "Congestion-mitigating Spatiotemporal Routing in Road Networks",
    the 40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2024), Utrecht, Netherlands on May 13-16, 2024
    (pdf) (code) (pptx)

  17. Weicheng Wang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, H. V. Jagadish and Min Xie,
    "Reverse Regret Query",
    the 40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2024), Utrecht, Netherlands on May 13-16, 2024
    (Selected as the best paper (out of 337 accepted papers))
    (pdf) (code) (pptx)

  18. Hao Liu, Zheng Zhang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Min Xie and Bo Tang,
    "Fair Top-k Query on Alpha-Fairness",
    the 40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2024), Utrecht, Netherlands on May 13-16, 2024
    (pdf) (code) (pptx)

  19. Weicheng Wang, Min Xie and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "MixedSearch: An Interactive System of Searching for the Best Tuple with Mixed Attributes",
    the 40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2024), Utrecht, Netherlands on May 13-16, 2024 (Demonstration Paper)
    (pdf) (code)

  20. Yuanfeng Song, Jingwei Lu, Xuefang Zhao, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Haodi Zhang,
    "Demonstration of FeVisQA: Free-Form Question Answering over Data Visualization",
    the 40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2024), Utrecht, Netherlands on May 13-16, 2024 (Demonstration Paper)

  21. Yuanfeng Song, Xiaoling Huang, Xuefang Zhao, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Natural Language Generation Meets Data Visualization: Vis-to-Text and its Duality with Text-to-Vis",
    the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2023), Shanghai, China on December 1-4, 2023 (Acceptance = 200/1003 = 19.94%)

  22. Libin Wang and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "QHL: A Fast Algorithm for Exact Constrained Shortest Path Search on Road Networks",
    the 2023 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Seattle, WA, USA on 18-23 June, 2023
    (pdf) (code) (pptx)

  23. Bo Huang, Victor Junqiu Wei, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Bo Tang,
    "EAR-Oracle: On Efficient Indexing for Distance Queries between Arbitrary Points on Terrain Surface",
    the 2023 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Seattle, WA, USA on 18-23 June, 2023
    (pdf) (code) (slides (pdf))  

  24. Qixu Chen and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong
    "Finding Best Tuple via Error-prone User Interaction"
    the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2023), Anaheim, California, USA on April 3-7, 2023
    (pdf) (code)

  25. Libin Wang and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong
    "Efficient Public Transport Planning on Roads"
    the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2023), Anaheim, California, USA on April 3-7, 2023
    (pdf) (code)

  26. Weicheng Wang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Min Xie
    "Interactive Search with Mixed Attributes"
    the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2023), Anaheim, California, USA on April 3-7, 2023
    (pdf) (code)

  27. Jianqiu Xu and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Efficiently Answering Top-k Window Aggregate Queries: Calculating "Coverage Number Sequences over Hierarchical Structures",
    the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2023), Anaheim, California, USA on April 3-7, 2023

  28. Tianwen Chen and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Improving Representation Learning for Session-based Recommendation",
    the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Osaka, Japan on 17-20 December, 2022 (Acceptance 122/633 = 19.27%)
    (pdf) (code)

  29. Yuanfeng Song, Rongzhong Lian, Yixin Chen, Di Jiang, Xuefang Zhao, Conghui Tan, Qian Xu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "A Platform for Deploying the TFE Ecosystem of Automatic Speech Recognition",
    ACM Multimedia 2022, Lisbon, Portual, Oct 10-14, 2022 (Demonstration Paper)

  30. Weicheng Wang and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Interactive Mining with Ordered and Unordered Attributes",
    the 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'22), Sydney, Australia on 5-9 Sept, 2022
    (pdf) (code)

  31. Yuanfeng Song, Xuefang Zhao, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Di Jiang,
    "RGVisNet: A Hybrid Retrieval-Generation Neural Framework Towards Automatic Data Visualization Generation",
    the 28th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD), Washington DC, USA on Aug 14-18, 2022 (Acceptance 254/1695 = 14.99%)

  32. Yuanfeng Song, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Xuefang Zhao, Di Jiang,
    "VoiceQuerySystem: A Voice-driven Database Querying System Using Natural Language Questions",
    the 2022 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Philadelphia, PA, USA on 12-17 June, 2022 (Demo Paper)

  33. Harry Kai-Ho Chan, Shengxin Liu, Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Cost-Aware and Distance-Constrained Collective Spatial Keyword Query (Extended Abstract)",
    the 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2022), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on May 9-12, 2022

  34. Yuanfeng Song, Xiaoling Huang, Xuefang Zhao, Di Jiang, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Multimodal N-best List Rescoring with Weakly Supervised Pre-training in Hybrid Speech Recognition",
    the 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2021), Auckland, New Zealand on December 7-10, 2021 (Acceptance = 198/990 = 20.00%)

  35. Yuen-Hoi Lau and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks: Spatial Layers First or Temporal Layers First?",
    the 29th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021), Beijing, China on November 2-5, 2021 (Poster Paper)

  36. Yinzhao Yan and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Path Advisor: A Multi-Functional Campus Map Tool for Shortest Path",
    the 47th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'21), Copenhagen, Denmark on 16-20 Aug, 2021 (Demo Paper)

  37. Yuanfeng Song, Di Jiang, Xuefang Zhao, Qian Xu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Lixin Fan, Qiang Yang,
    "L2RS: A Learning-to-Rescore Mechanism for Hybrid Speech Recognition",
    the ACM Multimedia 2021 conference, Chengdu, China on 20-24 Oct, 2021 (Industrial Paper)

  38. Yuanfeng Song, Xuefang Zhao, Di Jiang, Xiaoling Huang, Weiwei Zhao, Qian Xu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Qiang Yang,
    "SmartSales: An AI-Powered Telemarketing Coaching System in FinTech",
    the ACM Multimedia 2021 conference, Chengdu, China on 20-24 Oct, 2021 (Demo Paper)

  39. Yuanfeng Song, Di Jiang, Xuefang Zhao, Xiaoling Huang, Qian Xu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Qiang Yang,
    "SmartMeeting: Automatic Meeting Transcription and Summarization for In-Person Conversations",
    the ACM Multimedia 2021 conference, Chengdu, China on 20-24 Oct, 2021 (Demo Paper)

  40. Weicheng Wang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Min Xie,
    "Interactive Search for One of the Top-k",
    the 2021 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Xi'an, Shaanxi, China on 20-25 June, 2021
    (pdf)  (code)

  41. Yanhao Wang, Yuchen Li, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Kian-Lee Tan,
    "A Fully Dynamic Algorithm for k-Regret Minimizing Sets",
    the 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2021), Chania, Crete, Greece on April 19-22, 2021

  42. Tianwen Chen and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "An Efficient and Effective Framework for Session-based Social Recommendation",
    the 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2021), Jerusalem, Israel on March 8-12, 2021
    (pdf)  (code)

  43. Yuanfeng Song, Yongxin Tong, Siqi Bao, Di Jiang, Hua Wu, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "TopicOcean: An Ever-Increasing Topic Model With Meta-learning",
    the 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2020), Sorrento, Italy on November 17-20, 2020 (Acceptance = 19.70%)

  44. Yuanfeng Song, Di Jiang, Xiaoling Huang, Yawen Li, Qian Xu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Qiang Yang,
    "GoldenRetriever: A Speech Recognition System Powered by Modern Information Retrieval",
    ACM Multimedia 2020, Seattle, USA, Oct 12-16, 2020 (Demonstration Paper)

  45. Tianwen Chen and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Handling Information Loss of Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation",
    the 26th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD), San Diego, California, USA on Aug 23-27, 2020 (Acceptance 216/1279 = 16.89%)
    (pdf)  (code)

  46. Victor Junqiu WEI, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Cheng Long,
    "Architecture-Intact Oracle for Fastest Path and Time Queries on Dynamic Spatial Networks",
    the 2020 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Portland, Oregon, USA on 14 June-19 June, 2020 (Acceptance = 123/458 = 26.86%)
    (Selected as one of the best paper candidates (out of 123 accepted papers))
    (pdf)  (pptx)

  47. Min Xie, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Peng Peng and Vassilis Tsotras,
    "Being Happy with the Least: Achieving α-happiness with Minimum Number of Tuples",
    the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2020), Dallas, Texas, USA on April 20-24, 2020 (Acceptance = 129/662 = 19.49%)
    (pdf)  (pptx)  (code)

  48. Dandan Lin, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Min Xie and Victor Junqiu Wei,
    "Index-Free Approach with Theoretical Guarantee for Efficient Random Walk with Restart Query",
    the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2020), Dallas, Texas, USA on April 20-24, 2020 (Acceptance = 129/662 = 19.49%)
    (pdf)  (pptx) (code)

  49. Victor Junqiu Wei, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Cheng Long, Pan Hui,
    "On Nearby-Fit Spatial Keyword Queries (Extended Abstract)",
    the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2020), Dallas, Texas, USA on April 20-24, 2020

  50. Zhilin Zhang, Ke Wang, Weipeng Lin, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Repeatable Oblivious Shuffling of Large Outsourced Data Blocks",
    ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2019 (SoCC '19), Chaminade, Santa Cruz, California on November 20-23, 2019 (Acceptance = 39/157 = 24.84%)

  51. Tianwen Chen and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Session-based Recommendation with Local Invariance",
    the 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2019), Beijing, China on November 8-11, 2019 (Acceptance = 194/1046 = 18.55%)
    (pdf)  (pptx)  (code)

  52. Dandan Lin, Victor Junqiu Wei and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "First Index-Free Manifold Ranking-based Image Retrieval with Output Bound",
    the 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2019), Beijing, China on November 8-11, 2019 (Acceptance = 194/1046 = 18.55%)
    (pdf)  (pptx)  (code)

  53. Zhilin Zhang, Ke Wang, Weipeng Lin, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Practical Access Pattern Privacy by Combining PIR and Oblivious Shuffle",
    The 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Beijing, China on November 3-7, 2019

  54. Yuanfeng Song, Di Jiang, Weiwei Zhao, Qian Xu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Qiang Yang,
    "Chameleon: A Language Model Adaptation Toolkit for Automatic Speech Recognition of Conversational Speech",
    Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing 2019 (EMNLP-IJCNLP), Hong Kong on 3-7 November, 2019 (Demonstration Paper)

  55. Yuanfeng Song, Di Jiang, Xueyang Wu, Qian Xu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Qiang Yang,
    "Topic-Aware Dialogue Speech Recognition with Transfer Learning",
    Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austria on September 15-19, 2019

  56. Joe Wing-Ho Lin and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Frequent Item Mining When Obtaining Support is Costly",
    the 21st International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2019), Linz, Austria on August 26-29, 2019 (Acceptance 24/61 = 39.34%)
    (pdf)  (pptx)

  57. James Shing Chun Yip and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Analyzing Student Performance with Personalized Study Path and Learning Trouble Ratio",
    Learning analytics: Building bridges between the Education and the Computing communities (LABBEC) workshop co-located with the 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2019), Montreal, Canada, 2 July, 2019
    (pdf)  (pptx)

  58. Weipeng Lin, Ke Wang, Zhilin Zhang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Cheng Long,
    "Class Indistinguishability for Outsourcing Equality Conjunction Search",
    International Conference on Cloud Computing 2019

  59. Min Xie, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Ashwin Lall,
    "Strongly Truthful Interactive Regret Minimization",
    the 2019 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 30 June-5 July, 2019
    (pdf)  (pptx)  (code)

  60. Min Xie, Tianwen Chen and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "FindYourFavorite: An Interactive System for Finding the User's Favorite Tuple in the Database",
    the 2019 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 30 June-5 July, 2019 (Demonstration Paper)
    (pdf)  (code)

  61. Zitong Chen, Yubao Liu, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, andGenan Dai,
    "KOLQ in a Road Network",
    the 20th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2019) on 10-13 June, 2019 (Acceptance 19/65 = 29%)

  62. Sepanta ZEIGHAMI and Raymond Chi-Wing WONG,
    "Finding Average Regret Ratio Minimizing Set in Database",
    the 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'19), Macau SAR, China on 8-12 April, 2019
    (pdf)  (code)

  63. Harry Kai-Ho Chan, Cheng Long, Da Yan and Raymond Chi-Wing WONG,
    "Fraction-Score: A New Support Measure for Co-location Pattern Mining",
    the 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'19), Macau SAR, China on 8-12 April, 2019
    (pdf)  (pptx)  (code)

  64. Harry Kai-Ho Chan, Cheng Long and Raymond Chi-Wing WONG,
    "On Generalizing Collective Spatial Keyword Queries (Extended Abstract)",
    the 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'19), Macau SAR, China on 8-12 April, 2019
    (pdf) (code)

  65. Min Xie, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Jian Li, Cheng Long and Ashwin Lall,
    "Efficient k-Regret Query Algorithm with Restriction-free Bound for any Dimensionality",
    the 2018 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Houston, USA on 10-15 June, 2018
    (pdf) (pptx)  (code)

  66. Coleman Yu and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "A Melody Composer for both Tonal and Non-Tonal Languages"
    the 43rd International Computer Music Conference 2017, Shanghai, China on 16-20 Oct, 2017
    (pdf) (pptx) 

  67. Minhao Jiang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "READS: A Random Walk Approach for Efficient and Accurate Dynamic SimRank",
    the 43rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'17), Munich, Germany on 28 Aug-1 Sept, 2017
    (pdf)  (code)

  68. Harry Kai-Ho Chan, Cheng Long and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Inherent-Cost Aware Collective Spatial Keyword Queries",
    The 2017 International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD 2017), Washington D.C., USA on 21-23 Aug, 2017 (Acceptance 19/58 = 32.76%)
    (pdf)  (code)

  69. Victor Junqiu Wei, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Cheng Long and David Mount,
    "Distance Oracle on Terrain Surface",
    the 2017 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Chicago, USA on 14-19 May, 2017
    (pdf) (pptx) (code)

  70. Wei Cao, Jian Li, Haitao Wang, Kangning Wang, Ruosong Wang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, and Wei Zhan (by alphabetical order),
    "k-Regret Minimizing Set: Efficient Algorithms and Hardness",
    the 20th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT'17), Venice, Italy on 21-24 March, 2017
    (Selected as the winner of the ICDT 2017 Best Newcomer Award)
    (pdf) (slides (pdf)) 

  71. Manohar Kaul, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Christian S. Jensen,
    "New Lower and Upper Bounds for Shortest Distance Queries on Terrains",
    the 42nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'16), New Delhi, India on 5-9 Sept, 2016
    (pdf) (pptx)

  72. Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Raymond Ka Wai Sze,
    "Trend-MC: A Melody Composer by Constructing from Frequent Trend-Based Patterns",
    The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Atlantic City, NJ, USA on 14-17 Nov, 2016 (Demonstration Paper)

  73. Sepanta Zeighami and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Minimizing Average Regret Ratio in Database",
    the 2016 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), San Francisco, USA on 26 June-1 July, 2016 (Undergraduate Reseach Competition)

  74. Yue Wang, Ke Wang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "KeyLabel Algorithm for Keyword Search in Large Graphs",
    the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Santa Clara, USA on Oct 29-Nov 1, 2015

  75. Hong-Ning Dai, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Wei Zhang, Liqun Fu,
    "On Percolation Connectivity of Large Scale Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas",
    the 2015 IEEE 25th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications - (PIMRC): Mobile and Wireless Networks (IEEE PIMRC 2015 - Mobile and Wireless Networks), Valencia, Spain on 4-7 September, 2015

  76. Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and H. V. Jagadish,
    "Trajectory Simplification: On Minimizing the Direction-based Error",
    the 41st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'15), Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA on 31 Aug-4 Sept, 2015
    (pdf) (pptx) (code)

  77. Christophe Claramunt, Markus Schneider, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Li Xiong, Woong-Kee Loh, Cyrus Shahabi and Ki-Joune Li (editors),
    "Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases - 14th International Symposium, SSTD 2015",
    Hong Kong, China, August 26-28, 2015. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9239, Springer 2015

  78. Peng Peng and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "k-Hit Query: Top-k Query with Probabilistic Utility Function",
    the 2015 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on 31 May-4 June, 2015
    (pdf) (pptx) (code)

  79. Minhao Jiang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Exact Top-k Nearest Keyword Search in Large Networks",
    the 2015 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on 31 May-4 June, 2015
    (pdf) (pptx)  (code)

  80. Ke Wang, Chao Han, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Philip S. Yu,
    "Reconstruction Privacy: Enabling Statistical Learning",
    The 18th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Brussels, Belgium on 23-27 March, 2015

  81. Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Visual-VM: A Social Network Visualization Tool for Viral Marketing",
    The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Shenzhen, China on December 14-17, 2014
    (Demonstration Paper)
    (pdf) (mpg) 

  82. Manohar Kaul, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Bin Yang and Christian S. Jensen
    "Finding Shortest Paths on Terrains by Killing Two Birds with One Stone",
    the 40th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'14), Hangzhou, China on 1-5 Sept, 2014
    (pdf) (pptx)

  83. Minhao Jiang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Yanyan Xu,
    "Hop Doubling Label Indexing for Point-to-Point Distance Querying on Scale-Free Networks",
    the 40th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'14), Hangzhou, China on 1-5 Sept, 2014
    (pdf) (pptx) (code)

  84. Qi Wang, Manohar Kaul, Cheng Long and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Terrain-Toolkit: A Multi-Functional Tool for Terrain Data",
    the 40th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'14), Hangzhou, China on 1-5 Sept, 2014 (Demonstration Paper)
    (pdf) (mp4) 

  85. Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Bin Zhang and Min Xie,
    "Hypersphere Dominance: An Optimal Approach",
    the 2014 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Snowbird, Utah on 22-27 June, 2014
    (Acceptance 107/421 = 25.4%)
    (pdf) (pptx) (code)

  86. Zitong Chen, Yubao Liu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Jiamin Xiong, Ganglin Mai, and Cheng Long,
    "Efficient Algorithms for Optimal Location Queries in Road Networks",
    the 2014 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Snowbird, Utah on 22-27 June, 2014
    (Acceptance 107/421 = 25.4%)
    (pdf) (ppt)

  87. Hong-Ning Dai, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Qinglin Zhao,
    "Multi-channel Wireless Networks with Infrastructure Support: Capacity and Delay",
    IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2014 - Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium, 10-14 June 2014, Sydney, Australia

  88. Peng Peng and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Selective Sampling on Probabilistic Data",
    SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'14), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 24-26, 2014
    (Acceptance 60/389 = 15.42%)
    (pdf) (appendix) (pptx) (code)

  89. Peng Peng, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Philip S. Yu,
    "Learning on Probabilistic Labels",
    SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'14), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 24-26, 2014
    (Acceptance 60/389 = 15.42%)
    (Selected as one of the 8 best paper candidates (8 out of 60 accepted papers (13.33%))
    (pdf) (appendix) (pptx)

  90. Jinsong Lan, Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Youyang Chen, Yanjie Fu, Danhuai Guo , Shuguang Liu, Yong Ge, Yuanchun Zhou, Jianhui Li,
    "A New Framework for Traffic Anomaly Detection",
    SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'14), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 24-26, 2014
    (Acceptance 60/389 = 15.42%)
    (pdf) (presentation(pdf)) 

  91. Peng Peng and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong
    "Geometry Approach for k-Regret Query",
    the 30th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'14), Chicago, USA on 31 March-4 April, 2014
    (pdf) (pptx)

  92. Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Yu Peng and Liangliang Ye
    "On Good and Fair Paper-Reviewer Assignment",
    the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Dallas, Texas on December 7-10, 2013
    (Acceptance 159/809 = 19.65%) (pdf)  (ppt) (code)

  93. Yu Peng and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Finding Competitive Price",
    the 21st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL GIS 2013), Orlando, Florida on November 5-8, 2013
    (Acceptance 39/228 = 17.11%) (pdf)  (ppt)

  94. Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, and H. V. Jagadish
    "Direction-Preserving Trajectory Simplification",
    the 39th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'13), Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy on 26-30 Aug, 2013 (pdf)  (pptx) (code)

  95. Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Huanhuan Wu, James Cheng and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "IS-Label: an Independent-Set based Labeling Scheme for Point-to-Point Distance Querying",
    the 39th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'13), Riva del Garda, Trendo on 26-30 Aug, 2013 (pdf) (code)

  96. Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Philip S. Yu and Minhao Jiang,
    "On Optimal Worst-Case Matching",
    the 2013 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), New York, USA on 22-27 June, 2013
    (Acceptance 76/372 = 20.43%) (pdf) (pptx) (code)

  97. Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ke Wang and Ada Wai-Chee Fu ,
    "Collective Spatial Keyword Queries: A Distance Owner-Driven Approach",
    the 2013 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), New York, USA on 22-27 June, 2013
    (Acceptance 76/372 = 20.43%) (pdf) (pptx) (code)

  98. Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Raymond Ka Wai Sze,
    "T-Music: A Melody Composer based on Frequent Pattern Mining",
    the 29th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'13), Brisbane, Australia on 8-12 April, 2013 (Demonstration Paper) (pdf) (mpeg)

  99. Yu Peng, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Liangliang Ye and Philip S. Yu,
    "Attribute-Based Subsequence Matching and Mining",
    the 28th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'12), Washington DC on 1-5 April, 2012
    (Acceptance 100/413 = 24.21%) (pdf) (code) (data)  

  100. Cheng Long and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Minimizing Seed Set for Viral Marketing",
    The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Vancouver, Canada on December 11-14, 2011
    (Acceptance 101/786 = 12.85%) (pdf) (pptx) (code)  

  101. Da Yan, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, and Wilfred Ng,
    "Efficient Methods for Finding Influential Locations with Adaptive Grids",
    the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'11), Glasgow, Scotland, UK on 24-28 October, 2011 CIKM 2011
    (Acceptance about 137/917 = 15%) (pdf)  

  102. Hong-Ning Dai, Dong Li, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Exploring Security Improvement of Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas",
    the 36th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Bonn, Germany on October 4-7, 2011 (pdf) 

  103. Lian Liu, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Finding Shortest Path on Land Surface",
    the 2011 ACM Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Athens, Greece on 12-16 June, 2011
    (Acceptance 87/375 = 23.20%) (pdf)  

  104. Qian Wan, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, and Yu Peng,
    "Finding Top-k Profitable Products",
    the 27th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'11), Hannover, Germany on 11-16 April, 2011
    (Acceptance 98/494 = 19.8%)
    (Selected as one of the 8 best paper candidates (8 out of 98 accepted papers (8.16%)) (pdf) (pptx) (code)

  105. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Ke Wang, Yabo Xu, Jian Pei, and Philip Yu,
    "Probabilistic Inference Protection on Anonymized Data",
    The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Sydney, Australia on 14-17 Dec, 2010
    (Acceptance 155/797 = 19.45%) (pdf) (ppt) 

  106. Ke Wang, Yabo Xu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, and Ada Wai-Chee Fu,
    "Anonymizing Temporal Data",
    The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Sydney, Australia on 14-17 Dec, 2010
    (Acceptance 155/797 = 19.45%) (pdf)

  107. Yabo Xu, Ke Wang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Publishing Skewed Sensitive Microdata",
    SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'10), Columbus, Ohio on 29 April-1 May, 2010
    (Acceptance 82/351 = 23.36%) (pdf)

  108. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Eric Lo,
    "Competitive Privacy: Secure Analysis on Integrated Sequence Data",
    Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA'10), Tsukuba, Japan on 1-4 April, 2010
    (Acceptance 71/237 = 29.96%) (pdf) (ppt) (code)

  109. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Che Fu, Jia Liu, Ke Wang and Yabo Xu
    "Global Privacy Guarantee in Serial Data Publishing",
    the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'10), Long Beach, California on 1-6 March, 2010
    (Acceptance 110/523 = 21.03%)
     (pdf) (ppt) 

  110. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, M. Tamer Ozsu, Philip S. Yu, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Lian Liu
    "Efficient Method for Maximizing Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbor",
    the 35th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'09), Lyon, France on 24-28 Aug, 2009
    (Acceptance 97/562 = 17.26%) (pdf) (ppt) (code)

  111. Qian Wan, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ihab F. Ilyas, M. Tamer Ozsu and Yu Peng
    "Creating Competitive Products",
    the 35th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'09), Lyon, France on 24-28 Aug, 2009  
    (Acceptance 97/562 = 17.26%) (pdf) (pptx) (code)

  112. Xiaobing Wu, Yufei Tao, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ling Ding and Jeffrey Xu Yu
    "Finding the Influence Set through Skylines",
    the 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Saint-Petersburg, Russia on 23-26 March, 2009
    (Acceptance 92/283 = 32.51%) (pdf)

  113. Yabo Xu, Ke Wang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong
    "FF-Anonymity: When Quasi-Identifiers Are Missing",
    the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Shanghai, China on 29 Mar-4 Apr, 2009
    (Acceptance 147/554 = 26.53%) (pdf)

  114. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Jian Pei, Yip Sing Ho, Tai Wong and Yubao Liu
    "Efficient Skyline Querying with Variable User Preferences on Nominal Attributes",
    the 34th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'08), Auckland, New Zealand on 24-30 Aug, 2008
    (Acceptance 46/273 = 16.8%) (pdf) (ppt) (code)

  115. Yingyi Bu, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Lei Chen and Jiuyong Li
    "Privacy Preserving Serial Data Publishing By Role Composition",
    the 34th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'08), Auckland, New Zealand on 24-30 Aug, 2008
    (Acceptance 46/273 = 16.8%) (pdf) (ppt) (code) (source data link)

  116. Hong-Ning Dai, Kam-Wing Ng, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Min-You Wu,
    "On the Capacity of Multi-Channel Wireless Networks Using Directional Antennas",
    The 27th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2008), Phoenix, Arizona on April 13-18, 2008
    (Acceptance 236/1152 = 20.5%) (pdf)

  117. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Ke Wang and Jian Pei.
    "Minimality Attack in Privacy Preserving Data Publishing",
    the 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'07), Vienna, Austria on 23-28 Sept, 2007
    (Acceptance 46/263 = 17.5%) (pdf) (ppt) (code) (data)

  118. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Yufei Tao, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Xiaokui Xiao.
    "On Efficient Spatial Matching",
    the 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'07), Vienna, Austria on 23-28 Sept, 2007
    (Acceptance 46/263 = 17.5%) (pdf) (ppt) (code)

  119. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Jian Pei, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Ke Wang,
    "Mining Favorable Facets",
    the Thirteenth ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD), San Jose, California, USA on 12-15 Aug, 2007
    (Acceptance 92/513 = 17.93%) (pdf) (ppt) (code)

  120. Chi-Wah Wong, Oscar C. Au, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Hong-Kwai Lam,
    "Linear Real-time Rate Control",
    HKIE Transactions, Vol. 14, Issue 1, Mar 2007

  121. Chi-Wah Wong, Oscar C. Au, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Advanced Real-time Rate Control in H.264",
    the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, Texas on Sept 16-19 2007

  122. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Yubao Liu, Jian Yin, Zhilan Huang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Jian Pei,
    "(alpha, k)-anonymity Based Privacy Preservation by Lossy join"
    the 8th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, Huangshan (Yellow Mountains), China on June 16-18 2007
    (Acceptance 49/554 = 8.84%) (pdf)

  123. Chi-Wah Wong, Oscar C. Au, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Advanced Macro-block Entropy Coding in H.264"
    ICASSP 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii on April 15-20, 2007

  124. Jiuyong Li, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Jian Pei,
    "Achieving k-Anonymity by Clustering in Attribute Hierarchical Structures"
    the 8th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK), Krakow, Poland on 4-8 Sept, 2006
    (Acceptance 52/145 = 35.9%)  
    (Selected as one of the 6 best papers to appear in the special issue of International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining) (pdf) (code) (data)

  125. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Jiuyong Li, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Ke Wang,
    "(alpha, k)-Anonymity: An Enhanced k-Anonymity Model for Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing"
    the twelfth ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD), Philadelphia, USA on 20-23 Aug, 2006
    (Acceptance 105/457 = 23%) (pdf) (code) (data)

  126. Ada Wai-Chee Fu , Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Ke Wang,
    "Privacy-Preserving Frequent Pattern Mining Across Private Databases"
    the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Houston, Texas on November 27-30, 2005
    (Acceptance 141/630 = 22.38%) (pdf)

  127. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Ada Wai-Chee Fu,
    "Mining Top-K Itemsets over a Sliding Window Based on Zipfian Distribution"
    SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, on April 21-23, 2005
    (Acceptance 79/218 = 36.24%) (pdf) (code)

  128. Chi-Wah Wong, Oscar C. Au, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Hong-Kwai Lam,
    "Piecewise Linear Model for Real-Time Rate Control",
    2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, USA, on March 19-23, 2005

  129. Chi-Wah Wong, Oscar C. Au, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Hong-Kwai Lam,
    "Real-Time Rate Control Via Variable Frame Rate and Quantization Parameters",
    Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2004: 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, on November 30 - December 3, 2004

  130. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Ada Wai-Chee Fu,
    "ISM: Item Selection for Marketing with Cross-Selling Considerations",
    The Eighth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), Sydney, Australia on May 26-28, 2004
    (Acceptance 50/235 = 21.3%) (pdf) (code)

  131. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Ke Wang,
    "MPIS: Maximal-Profit Item Selection with Cross-Selling Considerations"
    The 2003 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Melbourne, Florida on November 19-22, 2003
    (Acceptance 58/501 = 11.6%) (pdf) (code)


  1. Yinzhao Yan, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Christian S. Jensen,
    "An Efficiently Updatable Path Oracle for Terrain Surfaces",
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) (accepted)

  2. Hao Liu and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "On Efficient 3D Object Retrieval",
    VLDB Journal (pdf)

  3. Weixu Zhang, Yifei Wang, Yuanfeng Song, Victor Junqiu Wei, Yuxing Tian, Yiyan Qi, Jonathan H. Chan, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Haiqin Yang,
    "Natural Language Interfaces for Tabular Data Querying and Visualization: A Survey",
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) (accepted)

  4. Victor Junqiu Wei, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Cheng Long, David M. Mount, Hanan Samet,
    "On Efficient Shortest Path Computation on Terrain Surface: A Direction-Oriented Approach",
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) (pdf)

  5. Yuanfeng Song, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Xuefang Zhao,
    "Speech-to-SQL: Towards Speech-driven SQL Query Generation From Natural Language Question",
    VLDB Journal (pdf)

  6. Qintian Guo, Dandan Lin, Sibo Wang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Wenqing Lin,
    "Efficient Algorithms for Group Hitting Probability Queries on Large Graphs",
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) (pdf)

  7. Harry Kai-Ho Chan, Cheng Long, Da Yan, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Hua Lu,
    "Fraction-Score: A Generalized Support Measure for Weighted and Maximal Co-location Pattern Mining",
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) (pdf)

  8. Youming Ge, Zitong Chen, Weiyang Kong, Yubao Liu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Sen Zhang,
    "An Efficient Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Finding Group Steiner Trees in Temporal Graphs",
    International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 2023 (pdf)

  9. Yang Li, Zibin Zheng, Hong-Ning Dai, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Haoran Xie,
    "Profit-based Deep Architecture with Integration of Reinforced Data Selector to Enhance Trend-following Strategy",
    World Wide Web Journal, pp1573-1413, July 2023 (pdf)

  10. Dandan Lin, Victor Junqiu Wei, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Effective and Scalable Manifold Ranking-based Image Retrieval with Output Bound",
    ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), pp1-31, Vol. 17, No. 5, June 2023 (pdf)

  11. Phan Thanh An, Nguyen Thi Le, Le Hong Trang, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Finding Shortest Gentle Paths on Polyhedral Terrains by the Method of Multiple Shooting",
    Journal of Computational Science, Volume 67, March 2023, 101935 (pdf)

  12. Harry Kai-Ho Chan, Shengxin Liu, Cheng Long, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Cost-Aware and Distance-Constrained Collective Spatial Keyword Query",
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), pp1324-1336, Vol. 35, No. 2, Feb 2023 (pdf) (code)

  13. Victor Junqiu Wei, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Cheng Long, David Mount, Hanan Samet,
    "Proximity Queries on Terrain Surface",
    ACM Transactions on Databases Systems (TODS), pp 1-59, Vol. 47, No. 4, Dec 2022 (pdf)

  14. Weipeng Lin, Ke Wang, Zhilin Zhang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Cheng Long, Chunyan Miao,
    "Towards Secure and Efficient Equality Conjunction Search over Outsourced Databases",
    Transactions on Cloud Computing, pp1445-1461, Vol. 10, No. 2, April-June 2022 (pdf)

  15. Yubao Liu, Zitong Chen, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Genan Dai,
    "Optimal location query based on k nearest neighbours",
    Frontiers of Computer Science, v15 (2), 2021 (pdf)

  16. Min Xie, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Ashwin Lall,
    "An Experimental Survey of Regret Minimization Query and Variants: Bridging the Best Worlds between Top-k Query and Skyline Query",
    VLDB Journal 29(1): 147-175 (2020) (pdf)

  17. Cheng Long, Anhua Chen, Pakawadee Pengcharoen, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "On Optimal Preference Diffusion over Social Networks",
    Information Systems Journal (Elsevier Science Publisher), pp1-13, Vol. 88, Feb 2020 (pdf)

  18. Young D. Kwon, Dimitris Chatzopoulos, Ehsan Ul Haq, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Pan Hui,
    "GeoLifecycle: User Engagement of Geographical Exploration and Churn Prediction in LBSNs",
    Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) 2019 (Appear in the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2019)) Vol 3, Issue 3, September 2019 (pdf)

  19. Henry Hong-Ning Dai, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Hao Wang, Zibin Zheng, Athanasios V. Vasilakos,
    "Big Data Analytics for Large Scale Wireless Networks: Challenges and Opportunities",
    ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 52 Issue 5, October 2019 (pdf)

  20. Victor Junqiu Wei, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Cheng Long, Pan Hui,
    "On Nearby-Fit Spatial Keyword Queries",
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), pp1-14, May 2019 (pdf) (code)

  21. Harry Kai-Ho Chan, Cheng Long and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "On Generalizing Collective Spatial Keyword Queries",
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), pp1712-1726, Vol. 30, No. 9, Sept 2018 (pdf)  (code)

  22. Cheng Long, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Victor Junqiu Wei,
    "Profit Maximization with Sufficient Customer Satisfactions",
    ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), pp1-34, Vol. 12(2), 2018 (pdf)

  23. Cheng Long and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Spatial Matching Problems",
    Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2017 (pdf)

  24. Peng Peng and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Skyline Queries and Pareto Optimality",
    Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2016 (pdf)

  25. Henry Hong-Ning Dai, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Hao Wang,
    "On Capacity and Delay of Multi-channel Wireless Networks with Infrastructure Support",
    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (pdf)

  26. Ke Wang, Peng Wang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Generalized Bucketization Scheme for Flexible Privacy Settings",
    Information Sciences, pp377–393, Vol. 348, 2016 (pdf)

  27. Bin Zhang, Tao Jiang, Zhifeng Bao, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Li Chen,
    "Monochromatic and Bichromatic Reverse Top-k Group Nearest Neighbor Queries",
    Expert Systems With Applications, pp57-74, Vol. 53, 2016 (pdf)

  28. Zitong Chen, Yubao  Liu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Jiamin Xiong, Ganglin Mai and Cheng Long,
    "Efficient Algorithms for Optimal Location Queries in Road Networks",
    ACM Transactions on Databases Systems (TODS), Vol. 40(3), 2015 (pdf)

  29. Zitong Chen, Yubao Liu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Jiamin Xiong, Xiuyuan Cheng and Peihuan Chen,
    "Rotating MaxRS Queries",
    Information Sciences (Elsevier), pp110–129, Vol. 305, 2015 (pdf)

  30. Cheng Long, and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Viral Marketing for Dedicated Customers"
    Information Systems Journal (Elsevier Science Publisher), pp1-23, Vol. 46, Dec 2014 (pdf) (ppt) (code)

  31. Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Ke Wang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Jia Wang, Minhao Jiang,
    "Small Sum Privacy and Large Sum Utility in Data Publishing",
    Journal of Biomedical Informatics, pp20-31, Vol. 50, Aug 2014 (pdf)

  32. Hong-Ning Dai, Qiu Wang, Dong Li and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "On Eavesdropping Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks with Directional Antennas",
    International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2013, Article ID 760834, 13 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/760834. (pdf)

  33. Yu Peng, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Qian Wan,
    "Finding Top-k Preferable Products",
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), pp1774-1788, Vol. 24, No. 10, Oct 2012  (pdf) (code)

  34. Yubao Liu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ke Wang, Zhijie Li, Cheng Chen and Zhitong Chen,
    "A New Approach for Maximizing Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbor Search",
    the Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) Journal 2012  (pdf)

  35. Yubao Liu, Xiuwei Chen, Zhan Li, Zhijie Li and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong
    "An Efficient Method for Privacy Preserving Location Queries".
    Frontiers of Computer Science 6(4): 409-420 (2012)

  36. Rui Zhang, Jianzhong Qi, Dan Lin, Wei Wang and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong.
    "A Highly Optimized Algorithm for Continuous Intersection Join Queries over Moving Objects",
    VLDB Journal 21(4): 561-586 (2012)  (pdf)

  37. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, M. Tamer Ozsu, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Philip S. Yu, Lian Liu and Yubao Liu,
    "Maximizing Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbor for Lp-Norm in Two- and Three-Dimensional Spaces",
    VLDB Journal 20(6): 893-919 (2011)  (pdf)

  38. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Ke Wang, Philip Yu and Jian Pei
    "Can the Utility of Anonymized Data be used for Privacy Breaches?",
    ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), Vol. 5 Issue 3, Aug., 2011 (pdf) (code)

  39. Jiuyong Li, Lixue Liu, Muzammil M. Baig and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong
    "Information Based Data Anonymization for Classification Utility",
    Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE) 70(12): 1030-1045 (2011) (pdf)

  40. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Ke Wang and Jian Pei.
    "Anonymization-based Attacks in Privacy Preserving Data Publishing",
    ACM Transactions on Databases Systems (TODS), Volume 34, Issue 2, Jun., 2009 (pdf)

  41. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Jian Pei, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, and Ke Wang
    "Online Skyline Analysis with Dynamic Preferences on Nominal Attributes".
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), pp1-15, Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan., 2009 (pdf) (code)

  42. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Jiuyong Li, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Ke Wang,
    "(alpha, k)-Anonymous Data Publishing",
    Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, pp209-234, Vol. 33, No. 2, Oct., 2009 (pdf)

  43. Yingyi Bu, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu,
    "Query by Humming",
    Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009 (pdf)

  44. Jiuyong Li, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu, and Jian Pei.
    "Anonymisation by Local Recoding in Data with Attribute Hierarchical Taxonomies".
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), pp1181-1194, Vol. 20, No. 9, Sept., 2008 (pdf)

  45. Ada Wai-Chee Fu, Eamonn Keogh, Leo Yung-Hang Lau, Chotirat Ann Ratanamahatana, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Scaling and Time Warping in Time Series Querying",
    VLDB Journal 17(4): 899-921 (2008) (pdf)

  46. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Ada Wai-Chee Fu,
    "Mining Top-K Frequent Itemset from Data Streams",
    Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Volume 13, Number 2, 2006, pp193-217 (DOI: 10.1007/s10618-006-0042-x)  (pdf) (code) (data)

  47. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Ke Wang,
    "Data Mining for Inventory Item Selection with Cross-Selling Considerations"
    Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Volume 11, 2005, pp81-112 (pdf) (code)

  48. Sze-Chung Ngan, Tsang Lam, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Ada Wai-Chee Fu,
    "Mining N-most Interesting Itemsets without support threshold by the COFI-tree"
    International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining,  Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.88?V106, 2005 (pdf)

  49. Eric Ka Ka Ng, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Raymond Chi-Wing Wong,
    "Projective Clustering by Histograms"
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), pp 369-383, Vol. 17, No. 3, March, 2005 (pdf)

  50. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Ada Wai-Chee Fu,
    "Association Rule Mining and Its Applications to MPIS"
    Chapter in Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, Information Science Publishing (an imprint of Idea Group Inc.) in the Spring of 2005.  (pdf)

Academic Activity

  1. Program Chairmanship:

    Associate Editor of PVLDB 2026, PVLDB 2025
    PhD Symposium Co-Chair of ICDE 2025
    General Co-Chair of MDM 2025, SSTD 2025
    Chair of PAKDD Junior Award Committee 2024
    Award Committee Member of SDM 2023
    Best Paper Award committee for ACM SIGSPATIAL 2024, 2023
    Best Paper Selection Committee of PAKDD 2023
    Vice PC Chair of SIGSPATIAL 2024, 2023
    Area Chair/Meta-Reviewer of KDD 2025, IJCAI 2025, MDM 2024
    Senior PC member of PAKDD 2025, CIKM 2024, PAKDD 2024, KDD 2023, PAKDD 2023, CIKM 2023, CIKM 2022, PAKDD 2022, CIKM 2021, IJCAI 2021, PAKDD 2021, ICONIP 2020, CIKM 2017, DASFAA 2015
    Demo co-chair of ICDE 2022
    Track Chair (or Vice Chair) of ICDE 2025, ICDE 2024, ICDE 2021
    PC co-chair of SSTD 2021
    PC co-chair of PAKDD 2020
    Co-chair of PhD Colloquium of IEEE MDM 2019
    PC co-chair of SSTD 2015
    Best Paper Selection Committee of SSTD 2015
    PC co-chair of The Fourth ASE International Conference on Social Informatics 2015
    Best-Paper Award Committee of DASFAA 2015
    PC Track Co-Chair of EIDWT 2013

  2. Chair:

    Tutorial Co-chair of APWeb-WAIM 2021,
    Special Session Co-Chair of ICONIP 2020,
    Tutorial Co-chair of BigComp 2021,
    Proceedings Co-chairs of SIGSPATIAL 2018, 2019
    Major Person for Re-locating SSTD 2015 from Korea to Hong Kong,
    Local Arrangement Co-Chair of ACML 2015,
    Treasurer (or Finance Chair) of SIGKDD 2012,
    Publicity Co-chair of DASFAA 2011,
    Publicity Co-chair of WISE 2010, Poster Co-chair of CIKM 2009,
    Co-chair of the first International Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis (PPDA'09) to be held in conjunction with DASFAA'09,
    Chairman of IEEE (Hong Kong) Computational Intelligence Chapter 2011-2013,
    Activity Chair of IEEE (Hong Kong) Computational Intelligence Chapter (2009-2010)

  3. Editor:

    Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) (2019-)
    Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) (2019-)
    Associate/Action Editor of GeoInformatica (2018-)
    Associate Editor of Journal of Information Science and Engineering (2019-)
    Guest Editor of GeoInformatica 2015,
    Editorial Board Member of Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering 2012
    Editorial Committee of First International Workshop on Big Data Security Intelligence 2015,
    Editorial Board of Journal of Big Data Security Intelligence (IJBDSI) 2015,
    Editorial Committee of International Journal of Big Data Security Intelligence (IJBDSI),
    Editorial Board of International Journal of Big Data (IJBD),
    Editorial Review Board (ERB) of the International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering

  4. Technical Program Panelist:

    Panelist of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, Dallas (ICDE 2022) (Spatial and Temporal Data Management)
    Panelist of the 16th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD 2019)

  5. Academic Membership:

    Steering Committee Members of PAKDD 2020-
    Board of Directors of SSTD Endowment 2016-2021

  6. Program Committee Membership:

    Major Database Conferences
    SIGMOD 2023, 2022 (Demo Track), 2020, 2018, 2017, 2013, 2012
    VLDB 2023, 2022, 2022 (Demo Track), 2021, 2016 (Demo Track), 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2009
    ICDE 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 (TKDE Poster Track), 2016, 2015, 2012
    CIKM 2020, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012 (Conference Track and Poster Track), 2010, 2009
    DASFAA 2021, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
    SIGSPATIAL 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
    SSTD 2025, 2023, 2019, 2017
    EDBT 2020 (Demo Track)

    Major Data Mining Conferences
    KDD 2025, 2024, 2022, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
    ICDM 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012
    SDM 2021, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009
    WWW 2017 (Poster Track), 2014
    PAKDD 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
    IJCAI 2024, 2022, 2021, 2016 (AI and the Web)
    WSDM 2015
    WISE 2017, 2010, 2009
    WAIM 2010, 2009
    ASONAM 2019, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

    The 2nd Cross Domain Fusion for Mobile Data Workshop 2025, The 1st Cross Domain Fusion for Mobile Data Workshop 2024, The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2023), The 24th Mobile Data Management Conference (MDM 2023), The 23rd Mobile Data Management Conference (MDM 2022), APWeb-WAIM Joint Conference on Web and Big Data 2021, The 22nd Mobile Data Management Conference (MDM 2021), the 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA-2020), APWeb-WAIM Joint Conference on Web and Big Data 2020, The Sixth International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data (GeoRich 2019), The First International Conference on Spatial Data Intelligence (SpatialDI 2020), The 21st Mobile Data Management Conference (MDM 2020), SIGMOD China 2019 in ACM TURC 2019, The 20th Mobile Data Management Conference (MDM 2019), APWeb-WAIM Joint Conference on Web and Big Data 2018, The Fifth International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data (GeoRich 2018), The 19th Mobile Data Management Conference (MDM 2018), The 10th International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in Information Society (PAIS), The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing, Emerging Database 2017, The 1st International VLDB Workshop on Mobility Analytics for Spatio-temporal and Social Data (MATES'17), The 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference (Big Data Track), the Asia Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint Conference on Web and Big Data 2017, The Fourth International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data (GeoRich 2017), The 18th Mobile Data Management Conference (MDM 2017), The 2017 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA'2017), MobiGIS 2016, Demo Session of The 12th International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2016), The 6th International Conference on Emerging Databases - Technologies, Applications, and Theory (EDB2016), The 2016 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA'2016), The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, GEOProcessing 2016, The Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb) 2016, The Third International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data (GeoRich 2016), the Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, the 17th Mobile Data Management Conference (MDM 2016), the 9th International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in Information Society (PAIS), MobiGIS 2015, The 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp2016), The 2015 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA'2015), 2015 ASE Data Science conference, The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, The 2nd International Workshop on Managing and Mining Semantically Rich Geo-spatial Data (GeoRich 2015), The Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb) 2015, the 8th International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in Information Society (PAIS), International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp 2015), MobiGIS 2014, The 2014 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA'2014), International Workshop on Managing and Mining Semantically Rich Geo-spatial Data (GeoRich 2014), International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp 2014), the 2nd IEEE/ASE International Conference on Big Data Science and Computing (2nd BigData Science), the 7th International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in the Information Society (PAIS 2014), the 2013 International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2013), the 12th International ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Mobile and Wireless Access (MobiDE 2013), PrivDB 2013, the 6th International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in Information Society (PAIS) 2013, MobiGIS 2013, MobiGIS 2012, PhD Forum to be held in conjunction with ICDM 2011, EUC 2011, PAKDD Doctoral Symposium on Data Mining (DSDM'11), 1st International Workshop on Mobile Social Networks (MSN 2011) to be held in conjunction with ASONAM11,EUC 2010, ISI 2010, The 2009 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining (WISM), The 2009 International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM) to be held in conjunction with CIKM 2008, the first International workshop on Web-based Contents Management Techniques (WCMT'09) to be held in conjunction with WAIM'09/APWeb'09, the 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Web 2.0 Environments (KDWeb2 2009) in conjunction with NCM 2009 conference, Post-Mining of Association Rules: Techniques for Effective Knowledge Extraction 2008

  7. Referees:

    Major Database Journals
    ACM Transactions on Databases Systems (TODS) 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009
    Very Large Data Bases Journal (VLDBJ) 2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008
    Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009
    Knowledge and Information Systems 2019, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2007
    Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD) 2013, 2012, 2009
    ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2018

    Major Data Mining Journals
    ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009
    Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DAMI) 2015, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2007
    World Wide Web Journal (WWWJ) 2011, 2010

    Information Systems 2019, 2014, 2013,
    GeoInformatica 2014,
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 2013,
    ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 2010,
    Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009
    Information Sciences 2010,
    Journal of Computational Intelligence 2016,
    International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 2009,
    Technology Transfer Center (HKUST) 2009,
    IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2008,
    International Journal of Services Sciences (IJSSCI) 2008,
    IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 2013
    the journal - Systems & Control Letters 2003

  8. Honorary Advisor: Social Media 2013, the 18th International Education & Technology Conference

  9. Session Chair: KDD 2012, DASFAA 2011, DASFAA 2010, VLDB 2009, CIKM 2009, WIDM 2009

  10. Poster Boaster Session Chair: CIKM 2009

Invited Talk

  1. Topic: Spatial Query Processing Using AI Technolog
    (Keynote Talk of Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Quality for Mobile Data Management (MLDQ 2019) co-located with the 20th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2019))
    Venue: Hong KongSAR, China
    Date: June 10, 2019

  2. Topic: Spatial Data-Driven Analytics for Smart Cities
    (Keynote Talk of International Workshop on Data-Driven Smart Cities (DASC 2019) co-located with the 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'19))
    Venue: Macau SAR, China
    Date: April 8, 2019

  3. Topic: "Maximizing Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbor"
    Venue: Google Research, NY, USA
    Date: July 3, 2013

  4. Topic: "Finding Best Region to Attract Customers via Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbor Queries"
    Venue: IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
    Date: July 1, 2013

  5. Keynote Speech
    Topic: Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing for Computational Intelligence
    Venue: International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC) 2011, Hangzhou, China
    Date: 26-27 Aug, 2011

  6. Topic: "Mining Preferences to Attract Customers"
    Venue: MSRA, Beijing
    Date: Feb 18, 2009

  7. Topic: "Minimality Attack in Privacy Preserving Data Publishing"
    University: University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
    Date: July 18, 2008

  8. Topic: "On Efficient Spatial Matching"
    University: Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
    Date: Jun 13, 2008

Research Statement

Basically, I have various research interests. Here is a brief summary of my research statement to summarize some of my research topics with their contributions and impacts.

1. Knowledge Discovery

  • Applications of Data Mining
    During my master degree, I focused on studying the "utility" of data mining. Most traditional data mining techniques find many different "patterns". For example, association rules and clustering are typical patterns in data mining. However, these patterns cannot directly be used for decision making which is the main objective of data mining. The focus of my research work about knowledge discovery is how to utilize these kinds of traditional patterns in data mining. More specifically, in my work published in ICDM03, association rule mining which are studied extensively in the literature of data mining aims at understanding the relationship among items in a basket analysis. The focus of our work is to find a set of items in order to maximize the profit of the company with the use of the traditional patterns in applications of inventory control and marketing. The concept of the "utility" of data mining gives a lot of opportunities to researchers to work on many new problems which utilize the traditional data mining patterns.

  • Data Streams
    After I graduated my master degree, I continued working on top-K itemsets mining over data streams and published papers in Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. In the literature of data mining, association rule mining is very popular because of the ease of understanding the relationship among items. However, it suffers from a major drawback of setting a "magic" number of the user-defined threshold which is used to determine whether an association rule is "interesting" or not. Setting this magic number depends on the characteristics of data. Setting too high gives no association rules at all but setting too low gives abundant association rules. Setting a reasonable threshold is troublesome because it may involve a lot of steps for "trying". These "trying" steps can only be used in the static data but they cannot be used over data streams because, in data streams, all data can be read once only and cannot be read back again. From the perspective of human, the number of "interesting" association rules should be roughly equal to a certain size K given by the users. In this way, the users can just give a parameter K and K "interesting" association rules can be returned as desired. My work focuses on mining top-K association rules (or simply frequent patterns) over data streams. It is different from all "magic" number dependent techniques about association rule mining over data streams. The utilization of "top-K" is not only meaningful to human but also useful with data streams where the data characteristics are unknown.

2. Database Queries

  • Skyline Queries
    One of my recent research works published in KDD07 is skyline queries. All traditional skyline queries are based on totally-ordered numeric attributes. However, in many existing applications, there are some categorical attributes in which the ordering or preference of values is different with different users. For example, when we select air flights, some categorical attributes are airline and transition airport. Due to the inability of the existing techniques to solve this new problem, we propose some methods to handle it. Since our proposed problem is much general than the traditional problems, all variations of the traditional problems such as finding skyline over data streams and find skyline with respect to any subspace can be some of the potential research problems when categorical attributes are considered.

  • Spatial Matching Queries
    In my recent work published in VLDB07, I proposed a spatial matching problem which is a general problem of an extensively studied problem in the literature of spatial database, reverse nearest neighbor. My major contribution in this paper is that this work brings the researchers an attention to consider the maximum serving capacity of each service in all customer-service applications which are not considered in all existing works related to reverse nearest neighbor. We prove that our spatial matching problem is a general problem of (bichromatic) reverse nearest neighbor. Thus, all existing works related to reverse nearest neighbors can also be extended with the consideration of the capacities of services. Some examples are finding reverse nearest neighbors in real time and finding reverse nearest neighbors of moving objects with the consideration of the capacities.

3. Privacy Issues
One of my research topics is privacy. Publishing sensitive data is an important topic in the literature of privacy. The major task of data publishing is to release data which can protect individual privacy. At the same time, the "utility" of the released data can be kept as high as possible and thus the "distortion" or "information loss" of the released data should be minimized. My recent work published in VLDB07 points out that individual privacy breaches when the minimality principle is used in the anonymization. Since all existing works rely on this principle, all published tables defined by the existing works suffer from privacy breaches. Thus, since all existing works are affected, their works should be re-done with the consideration of the minimality principle during data publishing in order to protect individual privacy.

Raymond Wong, Raymond C.-W. Wong, Raymond C. W. Wong, Raymond C. Wong, R. C.-W. Wong, R. C. W. Wong, R. C. Wong, Chi-Wing Wong, C.-W. Wong, Chi Wing Wong, C. W. Wong, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong

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Updated on Dec 31, 2016