Full List of Awards
- ICDE 2024 Best Paper Award (provided by ICDE 2024), 2024
- Outstanding Meta-Reviewer Award for ICDE 2024 (provided by ICDE 2024), 2024
- UROP Faculty Research Award (Second Runner-up) (provided by HKUST), 2023
- Top 2% of Scientists on Stanford List (provided by Elsevier BV), 2022
- VLDB2022: Distinguished Reviewer (provided by VLDB2022), 2022
- Best Teaching Award of MSc Program in Information Technology (2020-2021) (provided by HKUST), 2022
- Best Teaching Award of MSc Program in Big Data Technology (2020-2021) (provided by HKUST), 2021
- CIKM2021: Best Reviewer Award (provided by CIKM2021), 2021
- IJCAI2021: Appreciation Card of Senior Program Committee Member (provided by IJCAI2021), 2021
- ICONIP2020: Certificate of Appreciation (provided by ICONIP2020), 2021
- Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching 2020 (provided by HKUST), 2020
- School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award (provided by HKUST), 2020
- Best Paper Candidate in SIGMOD 2020 (out of 123 accepted papers), 2020
- Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 2019 – Honorary Mention (provided by HKUST), 2020
- Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 2016 – Honorary Mention (provided by HKUST), 2017
- The ICDT 2017 Best Newcomer Award (provided by ICDT 2017), 2017
- School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award, (provided by HKUST), 2016
- UROP Faculty Research Award (provided by HKUST), 2015
- Certificate of Appreciation for Leadership and Service as an IEEE Chapter Chair, 2014
- Best Paper Candidate in SDM 2014 (8 out of 60 accepted papers (13.33%)), 2014
- KDD 2012 Outstanding Organizing Committee Award (provided by ACM KDD 2012), 2012
- Best Paper Candidate in IEEE ICDE 2011 (8 out of 98 accepted papers (8.16%)), 2011
- CIKM 2009 Outstanding Service Award (provided by ACM CIKM 2009), 2009
- First-runner-up of IEEE (HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter FYP and
PG Paper Competition 2008 (HK$1000) (provided by IEEE (Hong Kong)
Computational Intelligence Chapter), 2008
- PCCW Foundation
Scholarship (HK$15,000)(provided by the Pacific Century CyberWorks
Foundation), 2007-2008
- Second-runner-up of IEEE (HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter FYP and
PG Paper Competition 2007 (HK$500) (provided by IEEE (Hong Kong)
Computational Intelligence Chapter), 2007
- Excellent Teaching Assistant
(TA) of CSE (Introduction to Database Systems), 2006-2007
(First Term)
- Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship (HK$30,000) (provided by Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council), 2006-2007
- Chung Hwa Travel
Service Scholarship (HK$20,000)(provided by Chung Hwa Travel Service),
- SIGKDD 2006 Student Travel Award (US$600)(provided by IBM
Research), 2006
- Excellent Teaching Assistant (TA) of CSE (Advanced Topics in Database
Systems), 2005-2006 (Second Term)
- Excellent Teaching Assistant (TA) of CSE (Introduction
to Database Systems), 2005-2006 (First Term)
- PCCW Foundation
Scholarship (HK$15,000)(provided by the Pacific Century CyberWorks
Foundation), 2005-2006
- 5th ACM Postgraduate Research Day Merit Award
(HK$100)(provided by ACM(HK)), 2004
- ICDM 2003 Student Travel Award
(US$500)(provided by IBM Research), 2003
- Graduate Studentship
(provided by the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2002-2004
(Consecutive Two Years) and 2005-2008 (Consecutive Three Years)
- First
Honour (Computer Science) (provided by the Chinese University of Hong Kong),
- Swire Scholarship (HK$36,000+HK$36,000) (provided by the
John Swire and Sons), 2000-2002 (Consecutive Two Years)
- Dean's List
(Computer Science) (provided by the Chinese University of Hong Kong),
1999-2002 (Consecutive Three Years)
- Academic Subject Prize (i.e., the top
student) in Physics (provided by Immaculate Heart of Marry College (IHMC)), 1998-1999
- Academic Subject Prize (i.e.,
the top student) in Pure Mathematics (provided by Immaculate Heart of
Marry College (IHMC)), 1998-1999
- Academic
Subject Prize (i.e., the top student) in Mathematics (provided by
Immaculate Heart of Marry College (IHMC)), 1996-1997