Full List of Awards

  1. ICDE 2024 Best Paper Award (provided by ICDE 2024), 2024

  2. Outstanding Meta-Reviewer Award for ICDE 2024 (provided by ICDE 2024), 2024

  3. UROP Faculty Research Award (Second Runner-up) (provided by HKUST), 2023

  4. Top 2% of Scientists on Stanford List (provided by Elsevier BV), 2022

  5. VLDB2022: Distinguished Reviewer (provided by VLDB2022), 2022

  6. Best Teaching Award of MSc Program in Information Technology (2020-2021) (provided by HKUST), 2022

  7. Best Teaching Award of MSc Program in Big Data Technology (2020-2021) (provided by HKUST), 2021

  8. CIKM2021: Best Reviewer Award (provided by CIKM2021), 2021

  9. IJCAI2021: Appreciation Card of Senior Program Committee Member (provided by IJCAI2021), 2021

  10. ICONIP2020: Certificate of Appreciation (provided by ICONIP2020), 2021

  11. Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching 2020 (provided by HKUST), 2020

  12. School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award (provided by HKUST), 2020

  13. Best Paper Candidate in SIGMOD 2020 (out of 123 accepted papers), 2020

  14. Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 2019 – Honorary Mention (provided by HKUST), 2020

  15. Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 2016 – Honorary Mention (provided by HKUST), 2017

  16. The ICDT 2017 Best Newcomer Award (provided by ICDT 2017), 2017

  17. School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award, (provided by HKUST), 2016

  18. UROP Faculty Research Award (provided by HKUST), 2015

  19. Certificate of Appreciation for Leadership and Service as an IEEE Chapter Chair, 2014

  20. Best Paper Candidate in SDM 2014 (8 out of 60 accepted papers (13.33%)), 2014

  21. KDD 2012 Outstanding Organizing Committee Award (provided by ACM KDD 2012), 2012

  22. Best Paper Candidate in IEEE ICDE 2011 (8 out of 98 accepted papers (8.16%)), 2011

  23. CIKM 2009 Outstanding Service Award (provided by ACM CIKM 2009), 2009

  24. First-runner-up of IEEE (HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter FYP and PG Paper Competition 2008 (HK$1000) (provided by IEEE (Hong Kong) Computational Intelligence Chapter), 2008

  25. PCCW Foundation Scholarship (HK$15,000)(provided by the Pacific Century CyberWorks Foundation), 2007-2008

  26. Second-runner-up of IEEE (HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter FYP and PG Paper Competition 2007 (HK$500) (provided by IEEE (Hong Kong) Computational Intelligence Chapter), 2007

  27. Excellent Teaching Assistant (TA) of CSE (Introduction to Database Systems), 2006-2007 (First Term)

  28. Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship (HK$30,000) (provided by Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council), 2006-2007

  29. Chung Hwa Travel Service Scholarship (HK$20,000)(provided by Chung Hwa Travel Service), 2006-2007

  30. SIGKDD 2006 Student Travel Award (US$600)(provided by IBM Research), 2006

  31. Excellent Teaching Assistant (TA) of CSE (Advanced Topics in Database Systems), 2005-2006 (Second Term)

  32. Excellent Teaching Assistant (TA) of CSE (Introduction to Database Systems), 2005-2006 (First Term)

  33. PCCW Foundation Scholarship (HK$15,000)(provided by the Pacific Century CyberWorks Foundation), 2005-2006

  34. 5th ACM Postgraduate Research Day Merit Award (HK$100)(provided by ACM(HK)), 2004

  35. ICDM 2003 Student Travel Award (US$500)(provided by IBM Research), 2003

  36. Graduate Studentship (provided by the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2002-2004 (Consecutive Two Years) and 2005-2008 (Consecutive Three Years)

  37. First Honour (Computer Science) (provided by the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2002

  38. Swire Scholarship (HK$36,000+HK$36,000) (provided by the John Swire and Sons), 2000-2002 (Consecutive Two Years)

  39. Dean's List (Computer Science) (provided by the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 1999-2002 (Consecutive Three Years)

  40. Academic Subject Prize (i.e., the top student) in Physics (provided by Immaculate Heart of Marry College (IHMC)), 1998-1999

  41. Academic Subject Prize (i.e., the top student) in Pure Mathematics (provided by Immaculate Heart of Marry College (IHMC)), 1998-1999

  42. Academic Subject Prize (i.e., the top student) in Mathematics (provided by Immaculate Heart of Marry College (IHMC)), 1996-1997