Kai Chen (short bio)
Professor (currently on Sabbatical Leave)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong SAR, China

Office: CYT-3005 (via lift 35/36)
Phone: (852) 2358-7028
Fax: (852) 2358-1477
Email: kaichen (at) cse.ust.hk

Welcome to Kai Chen's Homepage!

I received BS/MS in 2004/2007 from USTC and PhD in 2012 from Northwestern all in Computer Science, and joined HKUST in July 2012, where I direct the intelligent System & networkING (iSING) Lab and the WHAT Lab WeChat-HKUST Joint Lab on Artificial Intelligence Technology.

iSING Lab News Research Publications Teaching Students Professional Activities


If you're interested in applying for a PhD, PostDoc, or RA position with me, please read this.



Students and their Achievements

Professional Activities