Qiang Yang

WeBank AI
Professor Emeritus at Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


    Email: qyang at cse ust hk

    Research Interests:  Artificial Intelligence: Federated Learning, Transfer Learning, Machine Learning, Planning, Data Mining

   DBLP Publication List | Google Scholar | HKUST Library | Orcid

    Positions and Education:

     Professional Society Fellowship:

  • Fellow of Royal Society of Canada and Canadian Academy of Engineering 2021 - present
  • AAAI Fellow (2013 - ) Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
    • for significant contributions to AI Planning, Data Mining and Case-based Reasoning
    • Link to AAAI page.
  • AAAS Fellow (2012 - ) American Association for the Advancement of Science
    • for significant contributions to Data Mining, Learning and Planning: theory, applications, and services
    • Link to AAAS, Oriental Daily
  • IAPR Fellow (2012 -) International Association of Pattern Recognition
  • IEEE Fellow (2009 - ) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
    • for Significant Contributions to the Understanding and Application of Intelligent Planning, Learning and Data Mining
    • Link to HKUST News Release
  • ACM Fellow (2017 - ) Association of Computing Machinery, for contributions to Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining.  Link to ACM Page
  • CAAI Fellow (2019 - )  Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence.


Conference and Society Activities:

  • Chairman of the TSC Committee, Federated Learning Open Source Community FATE
  • AAAI Executive Council Member (2016 - 2020). General Chair, AAAI 2021, Vancouver, Canada.
  • President of IJCAI (2017 - 2019), Member of IJCAI Trustee: 2011-2021.
  • President, Hong Kong AI and Robotics Society (HKSAIR), 2018 - present
  • Chair, ACM SIGKDD China Chapter (2016 - 2022)
  • Program Chair, IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina from July 25th to August 1st, 2015. 
  • Best Paper Award Committee Chair, ACM WSDM 2015.
  • Chinese AI Society, 人工智能学会,  副理事2014 -
  • General co-chair: ACM RecSys 2013, Hong Kong, China, Oct 2013.
  • Program co-chair: IEEE Big Data Conference, 2013.  CA USA Oct 2013.
  • General Chair, ACM KDD 2012, Beijing, China, Aug 12-16, 2012. Interviewing Chinese KDD Scholars for KDD 2012: A Conversation with the Chinese KDD Leaders (link).
  • IJCAI Trustee (2011 - 2017), IJCAI 2013 Publicity Chair and Area Chair.
  • Vice Chair of ACM SIGART (ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence). July 2010.
  • More Conference Activities

Advisory Committee Membership:


·       ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Founding Editor in Chief, 2009 – 2015. Advisory Committee Chair 2015 – present.

·        IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Founding Editor in Chief, January 1, 2015 – 2020.  Advisory Committee Chair: 2015 – present.

·       Associate Editor of AI Magazine, 2012 – 2020.

·       Associate Editor of IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2005 – 2020.

·       Series Editor for Morgan&Claypool Synthesis Series: On Research Methodology

·       Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2005 - 2009

Research Projects



·       Intelligent Planning -- A Decomposition and Abstraction Based Approach . Qiang Yang, Springer Verlag, 1997.
- See a book review by Fausto Giunchiglia and Luca Spalazzi in the Artificial Intelligence Journal.

·       Constraint-based Design Recovery for Software Reengineering: Theory and Experiments. Steven Woods, Alex Quilici and Qiang Yang. Kluwer  Publishers, Dec. 1997.

·       Crafting Your Research Future: A Guide to Successful Master's and Ph.D. Degrees in Science & Engineering.  By Charles X. Ling and Qiang Yang, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, PDF  here.. Chinese Version: 术研究,你的成功之道 Tsinghua University Press, November 2012

·       Transfer Learning, Qiang Yang et al. Cambridge University Press. 2020.. Chinese: 迁移学习. 华章出版社,机械工业出版社 2020)

·       Federated Learning, Qiang Yang et al. Morgan Claypool Publishers 2020.

·       邦学 (Chinese version of the Federated Learning Book) 杨强 刘洋,等。 子工出版社 2020.

·       邦学习实战(Practicing Federated Learning) 杨强, 黄安埠,等。子工出版社Publishing House of Electronics Industry. 2021.

·       Privacy Preserving Computing, Kai Chen and Qiang Yang, Publishing House of Electronics Industry. 电子工业出版社2022.

·       可解人工智能导论Introduction to Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Qiang Yang, Lixin Fan et al. 电子工业出版社Publishing House of Electronics Industry. 2022.

·       Federated Learning: Privacy and Incentive.  Edited by Qiang Yang, Lixin Fan, Han Yu. Springer 2020.

·       Federated and Transfer Learning. Editors: Roozbeh Razavi-Far, Boyu Wang, Matthew E. Taylor, Qiang Yang.  Springer, 2023.

·       Privacy-preserving Computing for Big Data Analytics and AI. Kai Chen and Qiang Yang. Cambridge University Press. 2024.


 Hong Kong Services:

Students: Photos: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 ...

·       Dr. Ji, Liya, (Co-supervised with Chen, Qifeng).  Thesis: Accurate probability estimates from large-scale data in the applications of display advertising

·       Dr. Han Tian (Co-supervised with Kai Chen),  Assistant Professor at USTC, Thesis:  Network congestion control with deep reinforcement learning

·       Dr. Xueyang Wu, Thesis Title: Federated transfer learning under heterogeneous data

·       Dr. Guangneng Hu, Xidian University. Xi An.  Thesis title: Deep and adversarial knowledge transfer in recommendation

·       Dr. Zheng Li, Amazon.com USA.  Thesis title: Neural knowledge transfer for low-source sentiment analysis : cross-domain, cross-task & cross-lingual

·       Dr. Yexin Li, JD.com, Beijing, Thesis Title: Deep reinforcement learning in urban computing

·       Dr. Yinghua Zhang, Meituan Inc. Shanghai. Thesis Title: Deep transfer learning : generalization on clean and adversarial data

·       Dr. Lili Zhao, Tencent, Shenzhen, Thesis Title: Active transfer learning for recommendation system

·       Dr. Wenyuan Dai, 4th Paradigm Inc. Thesis Title: Lower the barrier of machine learning : meta learning for transfer learning and autoML

·       Dr. Kaixiang Mo, SHEIN, Singapore. Thesis Title: Transfer reinforcement learning for task-oriented dialogue systems

·       Dr. Ben Tan, Tencent, Shenzhen. Thesis Title: Distant domain transfer learning

·       Dr. Bin Wu (Co-supervised with Andrew Horner), Tencent. Thesis Title: Machine recognition of music emotion and the correlation with musical timbre

·       Dr. Zhongqi Lu, China University of Petroleum, China. Thesis Title: Selective transfer learning for cross domain recommendation

·       Dr. Ying Wei, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Thesis Title: Heterogeneous transfer learning

·       Dr. Bo Liu, Bytedance, Shenzhen. Thesis Title: Transferable bandit

·       Dr. George (Georgios) Trimponias, graduated in Feb 2015. Thesis: Game-Theoretic Design for Assignment and Ranking in Online Advertising and Human Computation, Now: Huawei Noah's Ark Lab.

·       Ruiming Xie, MPhil.  Thesis: Transfer learning for one-class recommendation based on matrix factorization

·       Dr. Yin Zhu, graduated in August 2014. Thesis: Activity Recognition via Social Knowledge Transfer. July 21, 2014.

·       Dr. Erheng Zhong, graduated in Feb 2014. Thesis: Composite Social Network Analysis (PDF).  Now:  Yahoo! Labs., USA.

·       Dr. Derek Hao Hu, graduated in Dec 2012.  Thesis: Learning based Activity Recognition (PDF). Now: Microsoft (Bing) at Redmond, Washington, USA.

·       Dr. Weizhu Chen, graduated in Aug 2012.  Thesis: An Associative Characterization of Click Models in Web Search (PDF). Now: Microsoft (Bing) at Redmond, Washington, USA.

·       Dr. Simone Marini, graduated in Aug 2012.  Thesis: Qualitative and Quantitative Protein Interaction Prediction with Machine Learning.  Now: Postdoc in Italy.

·       Dr. Evan Wei Xiang, graduated in June 2012. Thesis: Transfer Learning with Open Web Data (PDF). Now: Baidu.com

·       Dr. Weike Pan, graduated in June, 2012.  Thesis: Transfer Learning in Collaborative Filtering (PDF). Now: Assistant Professor at Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China.

·       Jinliang Deng, Mphil, Thesis: Order Dispatching for Electric Vehicles by Deep Multi-Objective

·       Reinforcement Learning

·       Xiang Zhang, Mphil. Title: Transfer hierarchical attention network for generative dialog system

·       Wenya Zhu, MPhil. Title: Generative dialogue system with knowledge base

·       Caigao Jiang, MPhil, Title: Large scale WiFi indoor localization

·       Si Shen, MPhil., Thesis Title: New perspectives on search click modeling

·       Dr. Nathan Nan Liu, graduated in December, 2011. Thesis: Ranking Oriented Approach to Context Aware Recommendation (PDF). Current:  Yahoo! Labs.

·       Dr. Bin Cao, graduated in August, 2011.  Thesis: Collaborative and Transfer Learning in Recommendations (PDF). Current: Microsoft Research Asia.

·       Dr. Vincent Wenchen Zheng, graduated in August, 2011.  Thesis: Learning with Limited Data in Sensor-based Human Behavior Recognition (PDF). Current: Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore.

·       Dr. Qian Xu, graduated in Nov 2010.  Co-supervised with Hong Xue. Thesis: Knowledge Transfer for Solving the Data Scarcity Problem for Machine Learning in Boinformatics (PDF). Now: Baidu.com

·       Dr. Can Yang, graduated in May, 2011.  Co-supervised with Weichuan Yu.  Thesis: SNP data analysis in genome-wide association studies (PDF). Now: Yale University, USA.

·       Dr. Sinno Jialin Pan.  Graduated in September 2010.  Thesis: Feature-based Transfer Learning with Real-world Applications (PDF). 2010- 2014: Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore. 2014 -: Nanyang  Professor at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.

·       Dr. Jeffrey Junfeng Pan. Graduated in December 2007. Thesis: Learning-based Localization in Wireless and Sensor Networks (PDF). Current: Facebook

·       Dr. Dou Shen. Graduated in June 2007. Thesis: Learning Based Web Query Understanding (PDF). co-founder: BuzzLabs, and 2011-2012: Senior Director, CityGrid Media.  2012-2014: Director of Advertisement Union, Baidu Inc.  2014- : Director of Search and Personalization, Baidu Inc. Beijing, China.

·       Hui Wang. HKUST MPhil.  Title: Web-log Mining for Quantitative Temporal-Event Prediction

·       Dr. Jie Yin. Graduated in June 2006. Thesis: Probabilistic Activity Recognition from Low-Level Sensors (PDF). Research Scientist, CSIRO, Australia.

·       Hong Cheng.  HKUST MPhil. Title: Mining Case Bases for Action Recommendation.

·       Henry Zhang.  SFU MSc. Title: Mining web logs for prediction models in WWW caching and prefetching.

·       Ian T.Y. Lee.  SFU MSc. Title: Classification Pruning for Web-request Prediction.

·       J. Wu, SFU MSc. Title A Case-Base Maintenance Policy Based on Clustering and Information Theory.

·       Sheng Li, SFU MSc. Title: Activating Case-Based Reasoning with Active Databases

·       Zhong Zhang, SFU MSc. Title: Dynamic Refinement of Feature Weights Using Quantitative Introspective Learning

·       Zhen Zhang. SFU MSc. Title: Model Based Predictive Prefetching

·       Jun Zhu, SFU MSc. Title Remembering to Add: Competence-preserving Case-Addition Policies for Case Base Maintenance

·       Kirsti Racine, SFU MSc. Title: Maintaining Case Bases.

·       Cheryl Murray, Waterloo MSc. Title: An Evaluation of the Temporal Coherence Heuristic in Partial-Order Planning.

·       Dr. Steven Woods, Waterloo PhD. Senior Engineering Director, Google Canada (Wiki).  University of Waterloo Thesis (1996): A Method of Program Understanding using Constraint Satisfaction for Software Reverse Engineering.  University of Waterloo, Canada. Now: Engineering Director of Google Canada.

·       Eugene Fink, University of Waterloo MSc. Thesis title: Characterizing and Learning Primary Effects in Planning.  At CMU (Last PhD student of Herb Simon)

·       Alex Chan.  University of Waterloo MSc.  Title: Partial Order Planning. At Microsoft


Postdoc Fellows

·       Xiaojin Zhang

·       Hao Liu

·       Zelei Liu

·       Leye Wang

·       Wei Hui

·       Yiqiang Chen

·       Huayan Wang

·       Rong Pan

·       Shuangyin Li

·       Qi Liu

·       Hankz Zhuo

·       Chuanyan Miao (SFU)

·       Yidong Shen (SFU)

·       Christina Carrick


·       Other Past Students and Visitors